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Eran Chajut
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2010
Publications (10 Years): 0
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
Eran Chajut
You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks: The Factors That Affect Changes over Time in Digital Literacy.
J. Inf. Technol. Educ.
9 (2010)
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
Eran Chajut
Changes Over Time in Digital Literacy.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
12 (6) (2009)
Avner Caspi
Eran Chajut
Kelly Saporta
Participation in class and in online discussions: Gender differences.
Comput. Educ.
50 (3) (2008)
Yoram Eshet
Eran Chajut
Synchronous Reading in Real-Time Environments.
HCI (4)
Ruth Beyth-Marom
Eran Chajut
Sonia Roccas
Lilach Sagiv
Internet-assisted versus traditional distance learning environments: factors affecting students' preferences.
Comput. Educ.
41 (1) (2003)
Avner Caspi
Paul Gorsky
Eran Chajut
The influence of group size on nonmandatory asynchronous instructional discussion groups.
Internet High. Educ.
6 (3) (2003)