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Ehsan Hoque
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 36
Top Topics
Conversational Agent
Google Search
Group Discussion
Mental Health
Top Venues
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
ACII (Workshops and Demos)
Taylan K. Sen
Gazi Naven
Luke Gerstner
Daryl Bagley
Raiyan Abdul Baten
Wasifur Rahman
Md. Kamrul Hasan
Kurtis Haut
Abdullah Al Mamun
Samiha Samrose
Anne Solbu
R. Eric Barnes
Mark G. Frank
Ehsan Hoque
DBATES: Dataset for Discerning Benefits of Audio, Textual, and Facial Expression Features in Competitive Debate Speeches.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
14 (2) (2023)
Kurtis Haut
Caleb Wohn
Benjamin Kane
Thomas Carroll
Cathrine Guigno
Varun Kumar
Ronald M. Epstein
Lenhart Schuber
Ehsan Hoque
Validating a virtual human and automated feedback system for training doctor-patient communication skills.
Wasifur Rahman
Masum Hasan
Md. Saiful Islam
Titilayo Olubajo
Jeet Thaker
Abdelrahman Abdelkader
Phillip T. Yang
Henry Paulson
Gulin Oz
Alexandra Dürr
Thomas Klockgether
Tetsuo Ashizawa
Readisca Investigators
Ehsan Hoque
Auto-Gait: Automatic Ataxia Risk Assessment with Computer Vision from Gait Task Videos.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
7 (1) (2023)
Seyedeh Zahra Razavi
Lenhart K. Schubert
Kimberly Van Orden
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Benjamin Kane
Ehsan Hoque
Discourse Behavior of Older Adults Interacting with a Dialogue Agent Competent in Multiple Topics.
ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst.
12 (2) (2022)
Md Saiful Islam
Adiba Mahbub
Caleb Wohn
Karen Berger
Serena Uong
Varun Kumar
Katrina Smith Korfmacher
Ehsan Hoque
SEER: Sustainable E-commerce with Environmental-impact Rating.
Benjamin Kane
Catherine Giugno
Lenhart K. Schubert
Kurtis Haut
Caleb Wohn
Ehsan Hoque
A Flexible Schema-Guided Dialogue Management Framework: From Friendly Peer to Virtual Standardized Cancer Patient.
Kurtis Haut
Caleb Wohn
Victor Antony
Aidan Goldfarb
Melissa Welsh
Dillanie Sumanthiran
Md. Rafayet Ali
Ehsan Hoque
Demographic Feature Isolation for Bias Research using Deepfakes.
ACM Multimedia
Minh Tran
Taylan K. Sen
Kurtis Haut
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Ehsan Hoque
Are You Really Looking at Me? A Feature-Extraction Framework for Estimating Interpersonal Eye Gaze From Conventional Video.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
13 (2) (2022)
Wasifur Rahman
Masum Hasan
Md Saiful Islam
Titilayo Olubajo
Jeet Thaker
Abdelrahman Abdelkader
Phillip Yang
Tetsuo Ashizawa
Ehsan Hoque
Auto-Gait: Automatic Ataxia Risk Assessment with Computer Vision on Gait Task Videos.
Samiha Samrose
Ehsan Hoque
MIA: Motivational Interviewing Agent for Improving Conversational Skills in Remote Group Discussions.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (GROUP) (2022)
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Taylan K. Sen
Qianyi Li
Raina Langevin
Taylor Myers
E. Ray Dorsey
Saloni Sharma
Ehsan Hoque
Analyzing Head Pose in Remotely Collected Videos of People with Parkinson's Disease.
ACM Trans. Comput. Heal.
2 (4) (2021)
Anis Zaman
Boyu Zhang
Vincent Silenzio
Henry A. Kautz
Ehsan Hoque
Individual-level Anxiety Detection and Prediction from Longitudinal YouTube and Google Search Engagement Logs.
ICWSM Workshops
Joanne Leong
Pat Pataranutaporn
Yaoli Mao
Florian Perteneder
Ehsan Hoque
Janet M. Baker
Pattie Maes
Exploring the Use of Real-Time Camera Filters on Embodiment and Creativity.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Brent J. Hecht
Lauren Wilcox
Jeffrey P. Bigham
Johannes Schöning
Ehsan Hoque
Jason Ernst
Yonatan Bisk
Luigi De Russis
Lana Yarosh
Bushra Anjum
Danish Contractor
Cathy Wu
It's Time to Do Something: Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Computing Through a Change to the Peer Review Process.
Samiha Samrose
Ehsan Hoque
Quantifying the Intensity of Toxicity for Discussions and Speakers.
ACII (Workshops and Demos)
Taylan K. Sen
Kurtis Haut
Denis Lomakin
Ehsan Hoque
A Mental Trespass? Unveiling Truth, Exposing Thoughts and Threatening Civil Liberties with Non-Invasive AI Lie Detection.
Taylan K. Sen
Gazi Naven
Luke Gerstner
Daryl Bagley
Raiyan Abdul Baten
Wasifur Rahman
Md. Kamrul Hasan
Kurtis Glenn Haut
Abdullah Al Mamun
Samiha Samrose
Anne Solbu
R. Eric Barnes
Mark G. Frank
Ehsan Hoque
DBATES: DataBase of Audio features, Text, and visual Expressions in competitive debate Speeches.
Md. Kamrul Hasan
Sangwu Lee
Wasifur Rahman
Amir Zadeh
Rada Mihalcea
Louis-Philippe Morency
Ehsan Hoque
Humor Knowledge Enriched Transformer for Understanding Multimodal Humor.
Md. Kamrul Hasan
James Spann
Masum Hasan
Md Saiful Islam
Kurtis Haut
Rada Mihalcea
Ehsan Hoque
Hitting your MARQ: Multimodal ARgument Quality Assessment in Long Debate Video.
Raiyan Abdul Baten
Richard N. Aslin
Gourab Ghoshal
Ehsan Hoque
Creativity in social networks is enhanced by 'Goldilocks' dispersal of ideators' visibility.
Wasifur Rahman
Sazan Mahbub
Asif Salekin
Md. Kamrul Hasan
Ehsan Hoque
HirePreter: A Framework for Providing Fine-grained Interpretation for Automated Job Interview Analysis.
ACII (Workshops and Demos)
Kurtis Haut
Caleb Wohn
Victor Antony
Aidan Goldfarb
Melissa Welsh
Dillanie Sumanthiran
Ji-ze Jang
Md. Rafayet Ali
Ehsan Hoque
Could you become more credible by being White? Assessing Impact of Race on Credibility with Deepfakes.
Ehsan Hoque
Upskilling the Future Workforce Using AI and Affective Computing.
ICMI Companion
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Taylor Myers
Ellen Wagner
Harshil Ratnu
E. Ray Dorsey
Ehsan Hoque
Facial expressions can detect Parkinson's disease: preliminary evidence from videos collected online.
Samiha Samrose
Reza Rawassizadeh
Ehsan Hoque
Immediate or Reflective?: Effects of Real-timeFeedback on Group Discussions over Videochat.
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Javier Hernandez
E. Ray Dorsey
Ehsan Hoque
Daniel J. McDuff
Spatio-Temporal Attention and Magnification for Classification of Parkinson's Disease from Videos Collected via the Internet.
Boyu Zhang
Anis Zaman
Rupam Acharyya
Ehsan Hoque
Vincent Silenzio
Henry A. Kautz
Detecting Individuals with Depressive Disorder fromPersonal Google Search and YouTube History Logs.
Gazi Naven
Taylan K. Sen
Luke Gerstner
Kurtis Haut
Melissa Wen
Ehsan Hoque
Leveraging Shared and Divergent Facial Expression Behavior Between Genders in Deception Detection.
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Seyedeh Zahra Razavi
Raina Langevin
Abdullah Al Mamun
Benjamin Kane
Reza Rawassizadeh
Lenhart K. Schubert
Ehsan Hoque
A Virtual Conversational Agent for Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Experimental Results and Design Lessons.
Anis Zaman
Boyu Zhang
Vincent Silenzio
Ehsan Hoque
Henry A. Kautz
Estimating Anxiety based on individual level engagements on YouTube & Google Search Engine.
Raiyan Abdul Baten
Ehsan Hoque
Technology-driven Alteration of Nonverbal Cues and its Effects on Negotiation.
Wasifur Rahman
Sangwu Lee
Md. Saiful Islam
Abdullah Al Mamun
Victor Antony
Harshil Ratnu
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Ehsan Hoque
Detecting Parkinson's Disease from Speech-task in an accessible and interpretable manner.
Mohammad Rafayet Ali
Taylan K. Sen
Benjamin Kane
Shagun Bose
Thomas M. Carroll
Ronald M. Epstein
Lenhart K. Schubert
Ehsan Hoque
Novel Computational Linguistic Measures, Dialogue System and the Development of SOPHIE: Standardized Online Patient for Healthcare Interaction Education.
Farhana Shahid
Wasifur Rahman
Mohammad Saifur Rahman
Sharmin Akther Purabi
Ayesha Seddiqa
Moin Mostakim
Farhan Feroz
Tanjir Rashid Soron
Fahmida Hossain
Nabila Khan
Anika Binte Islam
Nipi Paul
Ehsan Hoque
A. B. M. Alim Al Islam
Leveraging Free-Hand Sketches for Potential Screening of PTSD.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
4 (3) (2020)
Anis Zaman
Boyu Zhang
Ehsan Hoque
Vincent Silenzio
Henry A. Kautz
The Relationship between Deteriorating Mental Health Conditions and Longitudinal Behavioral Changes in Google and YouTube Usages among College Students in the United States during COVID-19: Observational Study.
Rupam Acharyya
Ankani Chattoraj
Shouman Das
Md. Iftekhar Tanveer
Ehsan Hoque
Fairness in Rating Prediction by Awareness of Verbal and Gesture Quality of Public Speeches.