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David R. Resnick
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1986-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Complex Systems
Abstract Machine
Top Venues
J. A. Ang
Richard F. Barrett
R. E. Benner
D. Burke
C. Chan
Jeanine E. Cook
David Donofrio
Simon D. Hammond
Karl S. Hemmert
S. M. Kelly
H. Le
Vitus J. Leung
David R. Resnick
Arun F. Rodrigues
John Shalf
Dylan T. Stark
Didem Unat
Nicholas J. Wright
Abstract machine models and proxy architectures for exascale computing.
Keren Bergman
Gilbert Hendry
Paul Hargrove
John Shalf
Bruce L. Jacob
K. Scott Hemmert
Arun Rodrigues
David R. Resnick
Let there be light!: the future of memory systems is photonics and 3D stacking.
David R. Resnick
Real World Built-in Test for VLSI.