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Chonho Lee
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Visually Guided
Confidential Data
Workflow Execution
Change Point Detection
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput.
Kundjanasith Thonglek
Chonho Lee
Hirotake Abe
Arata Endo
Takahiro Hirofuchi
Ryousei Takano
Kohei Taniguchi
Susumu Date
Benchmarks for Job Scheduling in Ultra-Distributed Systems.
Takashi Yoshikawa
Masami Hida
Chonho Lee
Haruna Okabe
Nozomi Kobayashi
Sachie Ozawa
Hideo Saito
Masaki Kan
Susumu Date
Shinji Shimojo
Identification of over One Thousand Individual Wild Humpback Whales using Fluke Photos.
Shuhei Nishiyama
Chonho Lee
Tomohiro Mashita
Solving 3D Container Loading Problems Using Physics Simulation for Genetic Algorithm Evaluation.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst.
(11) (2021)
Shuhei Nishiyama
Chonho Lee
Tomohiro Mashita
Designing a Flexible Evaluation of Container Loading Using Physics Simulation.
Takashi Yoshikawa
Susumu Date
Yasuhiro Watashiba
Yuki Matsui
Kazunori Nozaki
Shinya Murakami
Chonho Lee
Masami Hida
Shinji Shimojo
Secure Staging System for Highly Confidential Data Built on Reconfigurable Computing Platform.
Yusuke Moriyama
Chonho Lee
Susumu Date
Yoichiro Kashiwagi
Yuki Narukawa
Kazunori Nozaki
Shinya Murakami
A MapReduce-like Deep Learning Model for the Depth Estimation of Periodontal Pockets.
Chonho Lee
Chihiro Tanikawa
Jae-Yeon Lim
Takashi Yamashiro
Deep Learning based Cephalometric Landmark Identification using Landmark-dependent Multi-scale Patches.
Mohit Mittal
Panote Siriaraya
Chonho Lee
Yukiko Kawai
Takashi Yoshikawa
Shinji Shimojo
Accurate Spatial Mapping of Social Media Data with Physical Locations.
IEEE BigData
Tomohiro Shimizu
Ryo Hachiuma
Hideo Saito
Takashi Yoshikawa
Chonho Lee
Prediction of Future Shot Direction using Pose and Position of Tennis Player.
Akihiro Misawa
Susumu Date
Keichi Takahashi
Takashi Yoshikawa
Masahiko Takahashi
Masaki Kan
Yasuhiro Watashiba
Yoshiyuki Kido
Chonho Lee
Shinji Shimojo
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service.
CLOSER (Selected Papers)
Theint Theint Aye
Gary Kee Khoon Lee
Yi Su
Tianyou Zhang
Chonho Lee
Henry Kasim
Ivan Hoe
Francis Bu-Sung Lee
Gih Guang Hung
Layman Analytics System: A Cloud-Enabled System for Data Analytics Workflow Recommendation.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
14 (1) (2017)
Akihiro Misawa
Susumu Date
Keichi Takahashi
Takashi Yoshikawa
Masahiko Takahashi
Masaki Kan
Yasuhiro Watashiba
Yoshiyuki Kido
Chonho Lee
Shinji Shimojo
Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS.
Seiya Murata
Chonho Lee
Chihiro Tanikawa
Susumu Date
Towards a Fully Automated Diagnostic System for Orthodontic Treatment in Dentistry.
Yi Liu
Chi Zhang
Chonho Lee
Bu-Sung Lee
Alex Qiang Chen
GazeTry: Swipe Text Typing Using Gaze.
Chonho Lee
Jinyao Chin
Liu Yi
Bu-Sung Lee
Martin J. McKeown
Feasibility analysis and adaptive thresholding for mobile applications controlled by EEG signals.
Harsha Kumara Kalutarage
Chonho Lee
Siraj Ahmed Shaikh
Francis Bu-Sung Lee
Towards an Early Warning System for Network Attacks Using Bayesian Inference.
Harsha K. Kalutarage
Siraj Ahmed Shaikh
Bu-Sung Lee
Chonho Lee
Chai Kiat Yeo
Early Warning Systems for Cyber Defence.
Chonho Lee
Ping Wang
Dusit Niyato
A Real-Time Group Auction System for Efficient Allocation of Cloud Internet Applications.
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput.
8 (2) (2015)
Chonho Lee
Yu Terada
Yi Liu
Bu-Sung Lee
A motion accuracy evaluator based on body parts movement by MapReduce video processing.
Yi Liu
Chonho Lee
Bu-Sung Lee
James K. R. Stevenson
Martin J. McKeown
Analysis of visually guided tracking performance in Parkinson's disease.
Yi Cheng Ren
Junichi Suzuki
Chonho Lee
Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Shingo Omura
Katsuya Oba
Balancing performance, resource efficiency and energy efficiency for virtual machine deployment in DVFS-enabled clouds: an evolutionary game theoretic approach.
GECCO (Companion)
Chonho Lee
Liu Yi
Li-Hau Tan
Weihan Goh
Bu-Sung Lee
Chai Kiat Yeo
A Wavelet Entropy-Based Change Point Detection on Network Traffic: A Case Study of Heartbleed Vulnerability.
Yang Xia
Chonho Lee
Zoebir Bong
Changbing Chen
Bu-Sung Lee
A scalable framework for cloud powered workflow execution.
GLOBECOM Workshops
Ray Carroll
Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
Junichi Suzuki
Chonho Lee
William Donnelly
Dmitri Botvich
Bio-inspired service management framework: green data-centres case study.
Int. J. Grid Util. Comput.
4 (4) (2013)
Yang Zhang
Chonho Lee
Dusit Niyato
Ping Wang
Auction Approaches for Resource Allocation in Wireless Systems: A Survey.
IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials
15 (3) (2013)
Chonho Lee
Ping Wang
Dusit Niyato
A Real-time Group Auction System for Efficient Allocation of Cloud Internet Applications
Dinh Thai Hoang
Chonho Lee
Dusit Niyato
Ping Wang
A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput.
13 (18) (2013)
Paskorn Champrasert
Junichi Suzuki
Chonho Lee
Exploring self-optimization and self-stabilization properties in bio-inspired autonomic cloud applications.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
24 (9) (2012)
Sivadon Chaisiri
Zoebir Bong
Chonho Lee
Bu-Sung Lee
Punyapat Sessomboon
Tanakrit Saisillapee
Tiranee Achalakul
Workflow framework to support data analytics in cloud computing.
Chonho Lee
Sivadon Chaisiri
Zoebir Bong
Changbing Chen
Bu-Sung Lee
A Demo Paper: An Analytic Workflow Framework for Green Campus.
Junichi Suzuki
Paskorn Champrasert
Chonho Lee
Self-stabilizable symbiosis for cloud data center applications: A game theoretic perspective.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
Athanasios V. Vasilakos
An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Framework for Adaptive, Cooperative and Stable Network Applications.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Yuji Yamamoto
Katsuya Oba
An evolutionary game theoretic approach to adaptive and stable application deployment in clouds.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
Athanasios V. Vasilakos
iNet-EGT: An Evolutionarily Stable Adaptation Framework for Network Applications.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
An immunologically-inspired autonomic framework for self-organizing and evolvable network applications.
ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst.
4 (4) (2009)
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
An Immunologically-Inspired Adaptation Mechanism for Evolvable Network Applications.
Chonho Lee
Hiroshi Wada
Junichi Suzuki
Exploring biologically-inspired evolvable network applications with the BEYOND architecture.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
Biologically-Inspired Design of Autonomous and Adaptive Grid Services.
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
An autonomic adaptation mechanism for decentralized grid applications.
Chonho Lee
Paskorn Champrasert
Junichi Suzuki
A Biologically-inspired Adaptation Mechanism for Autonomic Grid Networks.
Paskorn Champrasert
Chonho Lee
Junichi Suzuki
SymbioticSphere: Towards an Autonomic Grid Network System.