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Bob Snowdon
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2010
Publications (10 Years): 0
Ronald Morrison
Graham N. C. Kirby
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Kath Mickan
Flávio Oquendo
Sorana Cîmpan
Brian Warboys
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Constructing Active Architectures in the ArchWare ADL
Ronald Morrison
Graham N. C. Kirby
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Kath Mickan
Flávio Oquendo
Sorana Cîmpan
Brian Warboys
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Support for Evolving Software Architectures in the ArchWare ADL
Ronald Morrison
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Graham N. C. Kirby
Kath Mickan
Brian Warboys
Robert Mark Greenwood
Ian Robertson
Bob Snowdon
A framework for supporting dynamic systems co-evolution.
Autom. Softw. Eng.
14 (3) (2007)
Duncan R. Shaw
Christopher P. Holland
Peter Kawalek
Bob Snowdon
Brian Warboys
Elements of a business process management system: theory and practice.
Bus. Process. Manag. J.
13 (1) (2007)
Duncan R. Shaw
Christopher P. Holland
Peter Kawalek
Bob Snowdon
Brian Warboys
Electronic Commerce Strategy in the UK Electricity Industry: The Case of Electric Co and Dataflow Software.
Int. J. Technol. Hum. Interact.
2 (3) (2006)
Brian Warboys
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Wykeen Seet
Ian Robertson
Ronald Morrison
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Graham N. C. Kirby
Kath Mickan
An Active-Architecture Approach to COTS Integration.
IEEE Softw.
22 (4) (2005)
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Ronald Morrison
Graham N. C. Kirby
Kath Mickan
Brian Warboys
Ian Robertson
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Wykeen Seet
A software architecture approach for structuring autonomic systems.
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes
30 (4) (2005)
Ronald Morrison
Graham N. C. Kirby
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Kath Mickan
Flávio Oquendo
Sorana Cîmpan
Brian Warboys
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Support for Evolving Software Architectures in the ArchWare ADL.
Duncan R. Shaw
Christopher P. Holland
Peter Kawalek
Bob Snowdon
Brian Warboys
Electronic commerce strategy in the U.K. electricity industry: the case of Electric Co and Dataflow Software.
Duncan R. Shaw
Bob Snowdon
Christopher P. Holland
Peter Kawalek
Brian Warboys
The viable systems model applied to a smart network: the case of the UK electricity market.
J. Inf. Technol.
19 (4) (2004)
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Ronald Morrison
Kath Mickan
Graham N. C. Kirby
Brian Warboys
Ian Robertson
Bob Snowdon
Robert Mark Greenwood
Wykeen Seet
Support for feedback and change in self-adaptive systems.
Robert Mark Greenwood
Dharini Balasubramaniam
Sorana Cîmpan
Graham N. C. Kirby
Kath Mickan
Ronald Morrison
Flávio Oquendo
Ian Robertson
Wykeen Seet
Bob Snowdon
Brian Warboys
Evangelos Zirintsis
Process Support for Evolving Active Architectures.
Bob Snowdon
Peter Kawalek
Active meta-process models: a conceptual exposition.
Inf. Softw. Technol.
45 (15) (2003)