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Asier Moreno
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2018
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Software Architecture
Fully Distributed
Wireless Technologies
Top Venues
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
Asier Moreno
Pilar Elejoste
Antonio D. Masegosa
Beatriz Rodriguez Ruiz
Paula Perez
A Software Tool for the Optimization of Airport Services by the Simulation and Modelling of Travelers' Behavior.
Asier Moreno
Eneko Osaba
Enrique Onieva
Asier Perallos
Giovanni Iovino
Pablo Fernández
Correction: Moreno, A., et al. Design of a Cooperative ITS Architecture Based on Distributed RSUs.
17 (6) (2017)
Enrique Onieva
Eneko Osaba
Ignacio Angulo
Asier Moreno
Alfonso Bahillo
Asier Perallos
Improvement of Drug Delivery Routes Through the Adoption of Multi-Operator Evolutionary Algorithms and Intelligent Vans Capable of Reporting Real-Time Incidents.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
14 (2) (2017)
Asier Moreno
Eneko Osaba
Enrique Onieva
Asier Perallos
Giovanni Iovino
Pablo Fernández
Design and Field Experimentation of a Cooperative ITS Architecture Based on Distributed RSUs.
16 (7) (2016)
Asier Moreno
Enrique Onieva
Asier Perallos
Giovanni Iovino
Pablo Fernández
Cooperative Decision-Making ITS Architecture Based on Distributed RSUs.
Asier Moreno
Asier Perallos
Diego López-de-Ipiña
Enrique Onieva
Itziar Salaberria
Antonio D. Masegosa
A Novel Software Architecture for the Provision of Context-Aware Semantic Transport Information.
15 (6) (2015)
Asier Moreno
Asier Perallos
Diego López de Ipiña
Enrique Onieva
Itziar Salaberria
A Novel Software Architecture for Multimodal Transport Semantic Information Provision Adapted to the User Context.
Pilar Elejoste
Ignacio Angulo
Asier Perallos
Aitor Chertudi
Ignacio J. García Zuazola
Asier Moreno
Leire Azpilicueta
José Javier Astrain
Francisco Falcone
Jesús E. Villadangos
An Easy to Deploy Street Light Control System Based on Wireless Communication and LED Technology.
13 (5) (2013)
Asier Moreno
Ignacio Angulo
A Reliable ICT Solution for Organ Transport Traceability and Incidences Reporting Based on Sensor Networks and Wireless Technologies.
Asier Moreno
Ignacio Angulo
Asier Perallos
Hugo Landaluce
Ignacio J. García Zuazola
Leire Azpilicueta
José Javier Astrain
Francisco Falcone
Jesús E. Villadangos
IVAN: Intelligent Van for the Distribution of Pharmaceutical Drugs.
12 (5) (2012)
Pilar Elejoste
Asier Perallos
Aitor Chertudi
Ignacio Angulo
Asier Moreno
Leire Azpilicueta
José Javier Astrain
Francisco Falcone
Jesús E. Villadangos
Easily Deployable Streetlight Intelligent Control System Based on Wireless Communication.
Asier Moreno
Ignacio Angulo
Hugo Landaluce
Asier Perallos
Easily deployable solution based on wireless technologies for traceability of pharmaceutical drugs.