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Antonio Cerasa
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2024
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Hierarchical Classification
Human Genome
Genetic Variation
Early Diagnosis
Top Venues
Int. J. Medical Eng. Informatics
Frontiers Neuroinformatics
Frontiers Artif. Intell.
Maria Grazia Maggio
Gennaro Tartarisco
Davide Cardile
Mirjam Bonanno
Roberta Bruschetta
Loris Pignolo
Giovanni Pioggia
Rocco Salvatore CalabrĂ²
Antonio Cerasa
Exploring ChatGPT's potential in the clinical stream of neurorehabilitation.
Frontiers Artif. Intell.
7 (2024)
Gennaro Tartarisco
Giovanni Cicceri
Roberta Bruschetta
Alessandro Tonacci
Simona Campisi
Salvatore Vitabile
Antonio Cerasa
Salvatore Distefano
Alessio Pellegrino
Pietro Amedeo Modesti
Giovanni Pioggia
An intelligent Medical Cyber-Physical System to support heart valve disease screening and diagnosis.
Expert Syst. Appl.
238 (Part C) (2024)
Francesco Riganello
Martina Vatrano
Paolo Tonin
Antonio Cerasa
Maria Daniela Cortese
Heart Rate Complexity and Autonomic Modulation Are Associated with Psychological Response Inhibition in Healthy Subjects.
25 (1) (2023)
Alessandro Borri
Antonio Cerasa
Paolo Tonin
Luigi Citrigno
Camillo Porcaro
Characterizing Fractal Genetic Variation in the Human Genome from the Hapmap Project.
Int. J. Neural Syst.
32 (6) (2022)
Gennaro Tartarisco
Roberta Bruschetta
Susanna Summa
Liliana Ruta
Martina Favetta
Mario Busa
Alberto Romano
Enrico Castelli
Flavia Marino
Antonio Cerasa
Tommaso Schirinzi
Maurizio Petrarca
Enrico Bertini
Gessica Vasco
Giovanni Pioggia
Artificial Intelligence for Dysarthria Assessment in Children With Ataxia: A Hierarchical Approach.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Mauro Bellone
Andrea Martini
Francesco Argese
Piero Cirillo
Italo Spada
Antonio Cerasa
Development of a serious game to enhance assistive rehabilitation.
Int. J. Medical Eng. Informatics
11 (4) (2019)
Antonio Cerasa
Loris Pignolo
Vera Gramigna
Sebastiano Serra
Giuseppe Olivadese
Federico Rocca
Paolo Perrotta
Giuliano Dolce
Aldo Quattrone
Paolo Tonin
Exoskeleton-Robot Assisted Therapy in Stroke Patients: A Lesion Mapping Study.
Frontiers Neuroinformatics
12 (2018)
Loris Nanni
Christian Salvatore
Antonio Cerasa
Isabella Castiglioni
Combining multiple approaches for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
84 (2016)
Luca Passamonti
A. Terracciano
R. Riccelli
G. Donzuso
Antonio Cerasa
MG. Vaccaro
F. Novellino
Francesco Fera
Aldo Quattrone
Increased functional connectivity within mesocortical networks in open people.
104 (2015)
Alessia Sarica
Claudia Critelli
Pietro Hiram Guzzi
Antonio Cerasa
Aldo Quattrone
Mario Cannataro
Application of different classification techniques on brain morphological data.
Antonio Cerasa
Aldo Quattrone
Maria C. Gioia
Patrizia Tarantino
Grazia Annesi
Francesca Assogna
Carlo Caltagirone
Vincenzo De Luca
Gianfranco Spalletta
Dysbindin C-A-T haplotype is associated with thicker medial orbitofrontal cortex in healthy population.
55 (2) (2011)
Eleonora Bilotta
Antonio Cerasa
Pietro S. Pantano
Aldo Quattrone
Andrea Staino
Francesca Stramandinoli
A CNN Based Algorithm for the Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions.
EvoApplications (1)
Luca Passamonti
Antonio Cerasa
Maria C. Gioia
Angela Magariello
Maria Muglia
Aldo Quattrone
Francesco Fera
Genetically dependent modulation of serotonergic inactivation in the human prefrontal cortex.
40 (3) (2008)
Alessandro Castriota-Scanderbeg
Gisela E. Hagberg
Antonio Cerasa
Giorgia Committeri
Gaspare Galati
Fabiana Patria
Sabrina Pitzalis
Carlo Caltagirone
Richard S. Frackowiak
The appreciation of wine by sommeliers: a functional magnetic resonance study of sensory integration.
25 (2) (2005)
Marta Bianciardi
Antonio Cerasa
Fabiana Patria
Gisela E. Hagberg
Evaluation of mixed effects in event-related fMRI studies: impact of first-level design and filtering.
22 (3) (2004)