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Anand Raghavan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2009
Publications (10 Years): 0
Daniel L. Kaczman
Manish Shah
Mohammed Alam
Mohammed Rachedine
David L. Cashen
Lu M. Han
Anand Raghavan
A Single-Chip 10-Band WCDMA/HSDPA 4-Band GSM/EDGE SAW-less CMOS Receiver With DigRF 3G Interface and +90 dBm IIP2.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
44 (3) (2009)
Matthew Kam
Divya Ramachandran
Anand Raghavan
Jane Chiu
Urvashi Sahni
John F. Canny
Practical considerations for participatory design with rural school children in underdeveloped regions: early reflections from the field.
Anand Raghavan
Kannan Ramchandran
Igor Kozintsev
Continuous error detection (CED) for reliable communication.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
49 (9) (2001)
Anand Raghavan
Kannan Ramchandran
Application of Continuous Error Detection for Joint Equalization and Coding for ISI Channels.
ICC (1)
Daniel Grobe Sachs
Anand Raghavan
Kannan Ramchandran
Wireless Image Transmission Using Multiple-Description Based Concatenated Codes.
Data Compression Conference