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Amanda Ochsner
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2019
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Chinese Characters
Computational Thinking
Mission Critical
Game Design
Top Venues
CSCL (2)
Games Cult.
Amanda Ochsner
Reasons Why: Examining the Experience of Women in Games 140 Characters at a Time.
Games Cult.
14 (5) (2019)
Amanda Ochsner
Lessons Learned With Girls, Games, and Design.
Amanda Ochsner
Rane Johnson-Stempson
Matthew Berland
Mission critical: building community to engage young women in computer science (abstract only).
David Hatfield
Gabriella Anton
Amanda Ochsner
Kurt Squire
R. Benjamin Shapiro
Ivan Alex Games
Studio K: Tools for Game Design and Computational Thinking.
CSCL (2)