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TCC (A1)
Mohammad Mahmoody
Ameer Mohammed
Soheil Nematihaji
Rafael Pass
Abhi Shelat
Lower Bounds on Assumptions Behind Indistinguishability Obfuscation.
TCC (A1)
Martin R. Albrecht
Pooya Farshim
Dennis Hofheinz
Enrique Larraia
Kenneth G. Paterson
Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation.
TCC (A1)
Prabhanjan Vijendra Ananth
Amit Sahai
Functional Encryption for Turing Machines.
TCC (A1)
Dennis Hofheinz
Tibor Jager
Verifiable Random Functions from Standard Assumptions.
TCC (A1)
Jack Murtagh
Salil P. Vadhan
The Complexity of Computing the Optimal Composition of Differential Privacy.
TCC (A1)
Nir Bitansky
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Indistinguishability Obfuscation: From Approximate to Exact.
TCC (A1)
Shafi Goldwasser
Yael Tauman Kalai
Cryptographic Assumptions: A Position Paper.
TCC (A1)
Mark Bun
Mark Zhandry
Order-Revealing Encryption and the Hardness of Private Learning.
TCC (A1)
David Cash
Eike Kiltz
Stefano Tessaro
Two-Round Man-in-the-Middle Security from LPN.
TCC (A1)
Douglas Wikström
Simplified Universal Composability Framework.
TCC (A1)
Andrej Bogdanov
Chin Ho Lee
Homomorphic Evaluation Requires Depth.
TCC (A1)
Dennis Hofheinz
Algebraic Partitioning: Fully Compact and (almost) Tightly Secure Cryptography.
TCC (A1)
Huijia Lin
Rafael Pass
Karn Seth
Sidharth Telang
Output-Compressing Randomized Encodings and Applications.
TCC (A1)
Nir Bitansky
Omer Paneth
Daniel Wichs
Perfect Structure on the Edge of Chaos - Trapdoor Permutations from Indistinguishability Obfuscation.
TCC (A1)
Brett Hemenway
Rafail Ostrovsky
Silas Richelson
Alon Rosen
Adaptive Security with Quasi-Optimal Rate.
TCC (A1)
Sandro Coretti
Yevgeniy Dodis
Björn Tackmann
Daniele Venturi
Non-Malleable Encryption: Simpler, Shorter, Stronger.
TCC (A1)
Mohammad Mahmoody
Ameer Mohammed
Soheil Nematihaji
On the Impossibility of Virtual Black-Box Obfuscation in Idealized Models.
TCC (A1)
Ran Cohen
Iftach Haitner
Eran Omri
Lior Rotem
Characterization of Secure Multiparty Computation Without Broadcast.
TCC (A1)
Rafael Pass
Abhi Shelat
Impossibility of VBB Obfuscation with Ideal Constant-Degree Graded Encodings.
TCC (A1)
Tianren Liu
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
On Basing Private Information Retrieval on NP-Hardness.
TCC (A1)
Tore Kasper Frederiksen
Thomas P. Jakobsen
Jesper Buus Nielsen
Roberto Trifiletti
On the Complexity of Additively Homomorphic UC Commitments.
TCC (A1)
Andrej Bogdanov
Siyao Guo
Daniel Masny
Silas Richelson
Alon Rosen
On the Hardness of Learning with Rounding over Small Modulus.
TCC (A1)
Georg Fuchsbauer
Felix Heuer
Eike Kiltz
Krzysztof Pietrzak
Standard Security Does Imply Security Against Selective Opening for Markov Distributions.
TCC (A1)
Ran Canetti
Yilei Chen
Leonid Reyzin
On the Correlation Intractability of Obfuscated Pseudorandom Functions.
TCC (A1)
Julia Hesse
Dennis Hofheinz
Andy Rupp
Reconfigurable Cryptography: A Flexible Approach to Long-Term Security.
TCC (A1)
volume 9562, 2016
Theory of Cryptography - 13th International Conference, TCC 2016-A, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 10-13, 2016, Proceedings, Part I
TCC (A1)
9562 (2016)