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Ershov Memorial Conference
volume 9609, 2016
Perspectives of System Informatics - 10th International Andrei Ershov Informatics Conference, PSI 2015, in Memory of Helmut Veith, Kazan and Innopolis, Russia, August 24-27, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Ershov Memorial Conference
9609 (2016)
Damas P. Gruska
Dynamics Security Policies and Process Opacity for Timed Process Algebras.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Thomas Baar
Verification Support for a State-Transition-DSL Defined with Xtext.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Franz Brauße
Margarita V. Korovina
Norbert Th. Müller
Towards Using Exact Real Arithmetic for Initial Value Problems.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Irina B. Virbitskaite
Victor Borovlyov
Louchka Popova-Zeugmann
Branching Processes of Timed Petri Nets.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Igor V. Konnov
Helmut Veith
Josef Widder
What You Always Wanted to Know About Model Checking of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo
Implementation and Evaluation of Contextual Natural Deduction for Minimal Logic.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Vitaly O. Mordan
Vadim S. Mutilin
Checking Several Requirements at once by CEGAR.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Jane Hillston
Quantitative Analysis of Collective Adaptive Systems.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Zhengheng Yuan
Tingliang Zhou
Jing Liu
Juan Luo
Yi Zhang
Xiaohong Chen
Hybrid Lustre.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Maciej Szreter
Automated Two-Phase Composition of Timed Web Services.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Julián Alarte
David Insa
Josep Silva
Salvador Tamarit
Site-Level Web Template Extraction Based on DOM Analysis.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Nikolay Shilov
Program Schemata Technique to Solve Propositional Program Logics Revised.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Mohamad Kassab
Giuseppe Destefanis
Estimating Development Effort for Software Architectural Tactics.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Margus Veanes
Nikolaj Bjørner
Equivalence of Finite-Valued Symbolic Finite Transducers.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Robert Glück
Maximally-Polyvariant Partial Evaluation in Polynomial Time.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Natalia Olegovna Garanina
Elena A. Sidorova
Stepan Anokhin
Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Systems with Typed Connections for Ontology Population.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Torben Ægidius Mogensen
RSSA: A Reversible SSA Form.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Alexandr Naumchev
Bertrand Meyer
Víctor Rivera
Unifying Requirements and Code: An Example.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Ekaterina Verbitskaia
Semyon V. Grigorev
Dmitry Avdyukhin
Relaxed Parsing of Regular Approximations of String-Embedded Languages.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Dmitrij V. Koznov
Dmitry V. Luciv
Hamid Abdul Basit
Ouh Eng Lieh
Mikhail Smirnov
Clone Detection in Reuse of Software Technical Documentation.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Hadrien Bride
Olga Kouchnarenko
Fabien Peureux
Constraint Solving for Verifying Modal Specifications of Workflow Nets with Data.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Gabriel Ciobanu
Ross Horne
Behavioural Analysis of Sessions Using the Calculus of Structures.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Darkhan Akhmed-Zaki
Madina Mansurova
Bazargul Matkerim
Ekateryna Dadykina
Bolatzhan Kumalakov
Applying MDA to Generate Hadoop Based Scientific Computing Applications.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Ilham W. Kurnia
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter
Modeling Actor Systems Using Dynamic I/O Automata.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Petr N. Devyanin
Alexey V. Khoroshilov
Victor V. Kuliamin
Alexander K. Petrenko
Ilya V. Shchepetkov
Using Refinement in Formal Development of OS Security Model.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Torben Ægidius Mogensen
Supercompilation for Datatypes.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Irina B. Virbitskaite
Dmitriy Bushin
Comparing Semantics Under Strong Timing of Petri Nets.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Martin Plümicke
More Type Inference in Java 8.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Pavel G. Emelyanov
Denis K. Ponomaryov
On Tractability of Disjoint AND-Decomposition of Boolean Formulas.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Nataliya S. Gribovskaya
Timed History Preserving Bisimulation and Open Maps.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Vinodh Kumar Sunkara
Aamod Sane
Skeblle: A New Kind of Diagramming Tool with Programmable Active Diagrams.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Vadim E. Kotov
Big Data, Big Systems, Big Challenges: A Personal Experience - (Extended Abstract).
Ershov Memorial Conference
Margarita V. Korovina
Oleg V. Kudinov
Index Sets as a Measure of Continuous Constraint Complexity.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Sergei Gorlatch
Michel Steuwer
Towards High-Level Programming for Systems with Many Cores.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Margus Veanes
Symbolic String Transformations with Regular Lookahead and Rollback.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Alexei Iliasov
Jeremy W. Bryans
A Proof-Based Method for Modelling Timed Systems.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Peter Thiemann
Towards Specializing JavaScript Programs.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Stefan Vijzelaar
Kees Verstoep
Wan J. Fokkink
Henri E. Bal
Bonsai: Cutting Models Down to Size.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Sergei A. Grechanik
Inductive Prover Based on Equality Saturation for a Lazy Functional Language.
Ershov Memorial Conference
E. E. Vityaev
V. V. Martinovich
Probabilistic Formal Concepts with Negation.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Kirill Smirnov
George A. Chernishev
Pavel Fedotovsky
George Erokhin
Kirill Cherednik
The Study of Multidimensional R-Tree-Based Index Scalability in Multicore Environment.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Kim Guldstrand Larsen
Radu Mardare
Bingtian Xue
Decidability and Expressiveness of Recursive Weighted Logic.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Sandeep Patil
Victor Dubinin
Cheng Pang
Valeriy Vyatkin
Neutralizing Semantic Ambiguities of Function Block Architecture by Modeling with ASM.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Damas P. Gruska
Process Opacity for Timed Process Algebra.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Ioan Dragan
Laura Kovács
Lingva: Generating and Proving Program Properties Using Symbol Elimination.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Gabriel Ciobanu
Ross Horne
Vladimiro Sassone
Descriptive Types for Linked Data Resources.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Maurice H. ter Beek
Stefania Gnesi
Franco Mazzanti
Model Checking Value-Passing Modal Specifications.
Ershov Memorial Conference
Michael Dever
Geoff W. Hamilton
Automatically Partitioning Data to Facilitate the Parallelization of Functional Programs.
Ershov Memorial Conference