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The New Technologies for Aquileia
Raffaela Cefalo
Alexia Cociancich
Michele Di Bartolomeo
Francesca Ferro
Massimo Iansig
Giorgio Manzoni
Giulio Montagner
Integrated Topographic, GNSS, Remote Sensing and GIS/WebGIS Techniques Applied to the Study of Aquileia River Port Structures.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Vito Roberto
Paolo Omero
Sharing Data on the Aquileia Heritage: Proposals for a Research Project.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Donata Levi
ICT and Art Heritage: a Project of the University of Udine for the Dissemination of Knowledge.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Paola Ventura
Paola Maggi
Flaviana Oriolo
Aerial Photography and Archival Data: Some Examples of Combined Study in the Suburbium of Aquileia.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Maurizio Buora
New Acquisitions on the Aquileia's Map Inside the Roman Walls and Surroundings.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Domenico Visintini
Surveying, Modeling and Navigating the Theodorian Mosaic Floor of the Aquileia Basilica.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Arianna Traviglia
Integrated Archaeological Investigations for the Study of the Greater Aquileia Area.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Stefano Magnani
Natural Phenomena and Anthropic Interventions: Remarks on the Landscape South of Aquileia in the Light of the Historical and Modern Cartography.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Emanuele Forte
Michele Pipan
Monica Sugan
Integrated Geophysical Study of Archaeological Sites in the Aquileia Area.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Jörg W. E. Fassbinder
Geophysical Prospection: a Powerful Non-destructive Research Method for the Detection, Mapping and Preservation of Monuments and Sites.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
Marina Rubinich
New Technologies for the 'Great Baths' of Aquileia: Results and Prospects.
The New Technologies for Aquileia
volume 806, 2011
The New Technologies for Aquileia, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop, Aquileia, Italy, May 2, 2011
The New Technologies for Aquileia
806 (2011)