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ICFCA (Supplements)
Dmitrii Egurnov
Dmitry I. Ignatov
Triclustring Toolbox.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Nacira Abbas
Jérôme David
Amedeo Napoli
Linkex: A Tool for Link Key Discovery Based on Pattern Structures.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Tiaan du Toit
Joshua Berndt
Katarina Britz
Bernd Fischer
ConceptCloud 2.0 Visualisation and Exploration of Geolocation-Rich Semi-Structured Data Sets.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Rawia Fray
Nida Meddouri
Mondher Maddouri
Cloud Implementation of Classier Nominal Concepts using DistributedWekaSpark.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Jens Kötters
Peter W. Eklund
Granada: Relational Database Navigation and Scaling.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Diana Cristea
Christian Sacarea
Diana-Florina Sotropa
FCA Tools Bundle.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Christian Sacarea
Diana-Florina Sotropa
Raul-Robert Zavaczki
Toscana goes 3D: Using VR to Explore Life Tracks.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Dominik Dürrschnabel
Tom Hanika
Gerd Stumme
DimDraw - A Novel Tool for Drawing Concept Lattices.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Meryem Bendella
Mohamed Quafafou
Patterns Based Query Expansion for Enhanced Search on Twitter Data.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Uta Priss
Conceptual Alignment with Formal Concept Analysis.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Tom Hanika
Johannes Hirth
Conexp-Clj - A Research Tool for FCA.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Lucas Bourneuf
Biseau: An Answer Set Programming Environment for High-Level Specification and Graph Visualization applied to FCA.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Dmitry I. Ignatov
Dmitry Tochilkin
Dmitry Egurnov
Multimodal Clustering of Boolean Tensors on MapReduce: Experiments Revisited.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Pablo Cordero
Manuel Enciso
Angel Mora
Pablo Gomez González
An Approach to Visualize Implications.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Nyoman Juniarta
Víctor Codocedo
Miguel Couceiro
Mehdi Kaytoue
Amedeo Napoli
Pattern Structures for Identifying Biclusters with Coherent Sign Changes.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Jessie Carbonnel
CLEF, a Java library to Extract Logical Relationships from Multivalued Contexts.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Karl Erich Wolff
Temporal Concept Analysis with SIENA.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Dmitry I. Ignatov
Preliminary Results on Mixed Integer Programming for Searching Maximum Quasi-Bicliques and Large Dense Biclusters.
ICFCA (Supplements)
Xavier Dolques
Agnès Braud
Marianne Huchard
Florence Le Ber
RCAexplore, a FCA based Tool to Explore Relational Data.
ICFCA (Supplements)
volume 2378, 2019
Supplementary Proceedings of ICFCA 2019 Conference and Workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 25-28, 2019.
ICFCA (Supplements)
2378 (2019)