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S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Vadim Agievich
Kirill Skripkin
BPM Change Planning Using the Matrix of Change and Discrete Optimization Methods.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Udo Kannengiesser
Supporting Value Stream Design Using S-BPM.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Patrick Garon
Arnd Neumann
Frank Bensberg
Design of a Subject-Oriented Reference Model for Change Management.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Matthias Kurz
Matthias Lederer
Subject-Oriented Adaptive Case Management - Extending Subject-Oriented Business Process Management to Knowledge-Intensive Cross-Enterprise Business Processes.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Basak Çakar
Onur Demirörs
Transformation from eEPC to S-BPM: A Case Study.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Georg Weichhart
Dominik Wachholder
On the Interoperability Contributions of S-BPM.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Thomas Müllerleile
Volker Nissen
When Processes Alienate Customers: Towards a Theory of Process Acceptance.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Davut Çulha
Ali H. Dogru
Towards an Agile Methodology for Business Process Development.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Alexander Lawall
Thomas W. Schaller
Dominik Reichelt
Cross-Organizational and Context-Sensitive Modeling of Organizational Dependencies in $\mathcal{C-ORG}$.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Kai Michael Höver
Max Mühlhäuser
S-BPM-Ont: An Ontology for Describing and Interchanging S-BPM Processes.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Anton Ivaschenko
Multi-agent Solution for Business Processes Management of 5PL Transportation Provider.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Stephan Borgert
Max Mühlhäuser
Formal Based Correctness Check for ePASS-IoS 1.1 Process Models with Integrated User Support for Error Correcting.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Stephan Borgert
Max Mühlhäuser
A S-BPM Suite for the Execution of Cross Company Subject Oriented Business Processes.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
volume 170, 2014
S-BPM ONE - Scientific Research - 6th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2014, Eichstätt, Germany, April 22-23, 2014. Proceedings
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
170 (2014)
Robert Gottanka
Nils Meyer
ModelAsYouGo: (Re-) Design of S-BPM Process Models during Execution Time.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Albert Fleischmann
Werner Schmidt
Christian Stary
A Primer to Subject-Oriented Business Process Modeling.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Matthias Kurz
Gunnar Billing
Karl Hettling
Holger von Jouanne-Diedrich
PCA-C: A Process-Centric Approach for Integrating and Managing Cloud Services.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Egon Börger
The Subject-Oriented Approach to Software Design and the Abstract State Machines Method.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Clemens Krauthausen
Subjects vs. Objects - A Top-Down Approach.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Martina Augl
Building a Conceptual Roadmap for Systemic Change - A Novel Approach to Change Management in Expert Organizations in Health Care.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Albert Fleischmann
From Subject-Phase Model Based Process Specifications to an Executable Workflow.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Dominik Wachholder
Stefan Oppl
Stakeholder-Driven Collaborative Modeling of Subject-Oriented Business Processes.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Matthias Neubauer
E-Learning Support for Business Process Modeling: Linking Modeling Language Concepts to General Modeling Concepts and Vice Versa.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Harald Müller
Using S-BPM for PLC Code Generation and Extension of Subject-Oriented Methodology to All Layers of Modern Control Systems.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Alexander Lawall
Thomas W. Schaller
Dominik Reichelt
An Approach towards Subject-Oriented Access Control.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
James E. Weber
Werner Schmidt
Paula S. Weber
Using Social Network Analysis and Derivatives to Develop the S-BPM Approach and Community of Practice.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Thomas Rothschädl
Ad-Hoc Adaption of Subject-Oriented Business Processes at Runtime to Support Organizational Learning.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
Matthias Lohrmann
Manfred Reichert
Modeling Business Objectives for Business Process Management.
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
volume 104, 2012
S-BPM ONE - Scientific Research - 4th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2012, Vienna, Austria, April 4-5, 2012. Proceedings
S-BPM ONE (Scientific Research)
104 (2012)