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RTIP2R (3)
volume 1037, 2019
Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Second International Conference, RTIP2R 2018, Solapur, India, December 21-22, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Part III.
RTIP2R (3)
1037 (2019)
Ankita Dhar
Niladri Sekhar Dash
Kaushik Roy
Efficient Feature Selection Based on Modified Cuckoo Search Optimization Problem for Classifying Web Text Documents.
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Dayanand G. Savakar
Ravi Hosur
Deepa Pawar
Analysis of Segmentation and Identification of Square-Hexa-Round-Holed Nuts Using Sobel and Canny Edge Detector.
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Basavaraj S. Anami
Deepa S. Garag
A Semi-automatic Methodology for Recognition of Printed Kannada Character Primitives Useful in Character Construction.
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D. L. Shanthi
Smart Irrigation and Crop Yield Prediction Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Machine Learning.
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Thanh-Ha Do
Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen
K. C. Santosh
Text Extraction Using Sparse Representation over Learning Dictionaries.
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S. N. Bharath Bhushan
Ajit Danti
Compression Based Modeling for Classification of Text Documents.
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Deepa Yogish
T. N. Manjunath
Ravindra S. Hegadi
Review on Natural Language Processing Trends and Techniques Using NLTK.
RTIP2R (3)
Sadeka Haque
Shammi Akter Shahinoor
AKM Shahariar Azad Rabby
Sheikh Abujar
Syed Akhter Hossain
OnkoGan: Bangla Handwritten Digit Generation with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks.
RTIP2R (3)
Muskan Jhunjhunwalla
Sharad Kumar Gupta
Dericks Praise Shukla
Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) Using Machine Learning Approach for DEM Derived Continuous Dataset.
RTIP2R (3)
Sateesh N. Hosamane
Neural Network Modeling and Prediction of Daily Average Concentrations of PM\(_{10}\), NO\(_{2}\) and SO\(_{2}\).
RTIP2R (3)
C. Sunil
K. S. Raghunandan
H. K. Chethan
G. Hemantha Kumar
Symbolic Approach for Word-Level Script Classification in Video Frames.
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Dhanashree Deshpande
Shrinivas Deshpande
Vilas Thakare
Online Behavior Patterns of Terrorists: Past and Present.
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Shrinivas R. Zanwar
Abbhilasha S. Narote
Sandipann P. Narote
English Character Recognition Using Robust Back Propagation Neural Network.
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Basavaraj S. Anami
Deepa S. Garag
Development of Inter-primitive Grammar for Construction of Kannada Language Vowels and Consonants Based on Their Hierarchical Structures.
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Manohar Madgi
Ajit Danti
Automatic Classification of Normal and Affected Vegetables Based on Back Propagation Neural Network and Machine Vision.
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Abhilash Biradar
S. G. Totad
Detecting Depression in Social Media Posts Using Machine Learning.
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Siddheshwar S. Gangonda
Prashant P. Patavardhan
Kailash J. Karande
Recognition of Marathi Numerals Using MFCC and DTW Features.
RTIP2R (3)
Sadeka Haque
AKM Shahariar Azad Rabby
Md. Sanzidul Islam
Syed Akhter Hossain
ShonkhaNet: A Dynamic Routing for Bangla Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Capsule Network.
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Chitra M. Gaikwad
Sangeeta N. Kakarwal
Use of Spectral Reflectance for Sensitive Waveband Determination for Soil Contents.
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Sandeep V. Gaikwad
Amol D. Vibhute
Karbhari V. Kale
Dhananjay B. Nalawade
Monali B. Jadhav
Design and Development of Ground Truth Collection Platform Using Android and Leaflet Library.
RTIP2R (3)
Vijaykumar Sambhajirao Kumbhar
Kavita S. Oza
Website Analysis: Search Engine Optimization Approach.
RTIP2R (3)
Maheshkumar B. Landge
Ramesh Ram Naik
C. Namrata Mahender
Author Impression on Dependent Authors Using Wordtovector Method.
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Shankar M. Patil
A. K. Malik
Correlation Based Real-Time Data Analysis of Graduate Students Behaviour.
RTIP2R (3)
Ahmed Ridwan
Ajit Danti
S. P. Raghavendra
Hesham Abdo Ahmed Aqlan
N. B. Arunkumar
Breaking News Recognition Using OCR.
RTIP2R (3)
Shoieb Ahamed
Ajit Danti
Effective Emoticon Based Framework for Sentimental Analysis of Web Data.
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Parameswaran Kovelan
Thangathurai Kartheeswaran
Nadarajah Thisenthira
Automated Soil Tester.
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Ramesh S. Wadawadagi
Veerappa B. Pagi
A Deep Recursive Neural Network Model for Fine-Grained Opinion Classification.
RTIP2R (3)
Sanasam Chanu Inunganbi
Prakash Choudhary
Recognition of Meitei Mayek Using Statistical Texture and Histogram Features.
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Aditi Deshpande
Namrata Mahender
Question Answer Based Chart Summarization.
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Rakesh Kummari
Chakravarthy Bhagvati
UHTelPCC: A Dataset for Telugu Printed Character Recognition.
RTIP2R (3)
AKM Shahariar Azad Rabby
Sadeka Haque
Md. Sanzidul Islam
Sheikh Abujar
Syed Akhter Hossain
Ekush: A Multipurpose and Multitype Comprehensive Database for Online Off-Line Bangla Handwritten Characters.
RTIP2R (3)
S. P. Raghavendra
Ajit Danti
Recognition of Signature Using Neural Network and Euclidean Distance for Bank Cheque Automation.
RTIP2R (3)
Darshan D. Ruikar
Amruta D. Ruikar
Suhas G. Kulkarni
Ravindra S. Hegadi
Simplified Deterministic Finite Automata Construction Algorithm from Language Specification.
RTIP2R (3)
Mahesh M. Solankar
Hanumant R. Gite
Rupali R. Surase
Dhananjay B. Nalawade
Karbhari V. Kale
Impact of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques on Endmember Identification in Hyperspectral Imagery.
RTIP2R (3)
R. I. Malar
M. Shanmugam
A Review on Utilizing Bio-Mimetics in Solving Localization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks.
RTIP2R (3)
Abhipray Paturkar
Gourab Sen Gupta
Donald G. Bailey
3D Reconstruction of Plants Under Outdoor Conditions Using Image-Based Computer Vision.
RTIP2R (3)
Rupali R. Surase
Karbhari V. Kale
Mahesh M. Solankar
Amarsinh Bhimrao Varpe
Hanumant R. Gite
Amol D. Vibhute
Crop Discrimination Based on Reflectance Spectroscopy Using Spectral Vegetation Indices (SVI).
RTIP2R (3)
Priyanka Uttamrao Randive
Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh
Pooja Vinod Janse
Rohit S. Gupta
Discrimination Between Healthy and Diseased Cotton Plant by Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Data.
RTIP2R (3)
Bharathi Pilar
B. H. Shekar
D. S. Sunil Kumar
Multi-scale Local Binary Patterns- A Novel Feature Extraction Technique for Offline Signature Verification.
RTIP2R (3)
Rajkumar Soundrapandiyan
K. C. Santosh
P. V. S. S. R. Chandra Mouli
Infrared Image Pedestrian Detection Techniques with Quantitative Analysis.
RTIP2R (3)
K. Swarnalatha
D. S. Guru
Basavaraj S. Anami
N. Vinay Kumar
A Filter Based Feature Selection for Imbalanced Text Classification.
RTIP2R (3)
Parashuram Bannigidad
Jalaja Udoshi
C. C. Vidyasagar
Effect of Time on Aluminium Oxide FESEM Nanopore Images Using Fuzzy Inference System.
RTIP2R (3)
Siddhaling Urolagin
A Combined Architecture Based on Artificial Neural Network to Recognize Kannada Vowel Modifiers.
RTIP2R (3)
Aniket A. Muley
Atish Tangawade
Data Mining Learning of Behavioral Pattern of Internet User Students.
RTIP2R (3)
Anjana Ghule
R. R. Deshmukh
Chitra M. Gaikwad
MFDS-m Red Edge Position Detection Algorithm for Discrimination Between Healthy and Unhealthy Vegetable Plants.
RTIP2R (3)
Parshuram M. Kamble
Ravindra S. Hegadi
Rajendra S. Hegadi
Distance Based Edge Linking (DEL) for Character Recognition.
RTIP2R (3)
Mostafa Ali
D. S. Guru
Mahamad Suhil
Classifying Arabic Farmers' Complaints Based on Crops and Diseases Using Machine Learning Approaches.
RTIP2R (3)
Pooja Vinod Janse
Ratnadeep R. Deshmukh
Jaypalsing N. Kayte
Priyanka Uttamrao Randive
Estimation of Crop Chlorophyll Content by Spectral Indices Using Hyperspectral Non-imaging Data.
RTIP2R (3)
V. Haripriya
Poornima G. Patil
Detection of Sarcasm from Consumer Sentiments on Social Media About Luxury Brands.
RTIP2R (3)