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TCC (3)
Paul Bunn
Eyal Kushilevitz
Rafail Ostrovsky
Anonymous Permutation Routing.
TCC (3)
Marshall Ball
Yevgeniy Dodis
Eli Goldin
Immunizing Backdoored PRGs.
TCC (3)
Marc Fischlin
Felix Rohrbach
Searching for ELFs in the Cryptographic Forest.
TCC (3)
David Balbás
Dario Catalano
Dario Fiore
Russell W. F. Lai
Chainable Functional Commitments for Unbounded-Depth Circuits.
TCC (3)
Benedikt Auerbach
Charlotte Hoffmann
Guillermo Pascual-Perez
Generic-Group Lower Bounds via Reductions Between Geometric-Search Problems: With and Without Preprocessing.
TCC (3)
Benedikt Auerbach
Miguel Cueto Noval
Guillermo Pascual-Perez
Krzysztof Pietrzak
On the Cost of Post-compromise Security in Concurrent Continuous Group-Key Agreement.
TCC (3)
Willy Quach
LaKyah Tyner
Daniel Wichs
Lower Bounds on Anonymous Whistleblowing.
TCC (3)
Jiaxin Guan
Daniel Wichs
Mark Zhandry
Multi-instance Randomness Extraction and Security Against Bounded-Storage Mass Surveillance.
TCC (3)
Rex Fernando
Elaine Shi
Pratik Soni
Nikhil Vanjani
Brent Waters
Non-Interactive Anonymous Router with Quasi-Linear Router Computation.
TCC (3)
Xiaoqi Duan
Siyao Guo
Qipeng Liu
On Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Short Collisions in Sponge Hash Functions.
TCC (3)
Mirza Ahad Baig
Suvradip Chakraborty
Stefan Dziembowski
Malgorzata Galazka
Tomasz Lizurej
Krzysztof Pietrzak
Efficiently Testable Circuits Without Conductivity.
TCC (3)
Benedikt Bünz
Ben Fisch
Multilinear Schwartz-Zippel Mod N and Lattice-Based Succinct Arguments.
TCC (3)
Antonio Faonio
Dario Fiore
Markulf Kohlweiss
Luigi Russo
Michal Zajac
From Polynomial IOP and Commitments to Non-malleable zkSNARKs.
TCC (3)
Mi-Ying (Miryam) Huang
Xinyu Mao
Guangxu Yang
Jiapeng Zhang
Communication Lower Bounds of Key-Agreement Protocols via Density Increment Arguments.
TCC (3)
Thomas Attema
Serge Fehr
Nicolas Resch
Generalized Special-Sound Interactive Proofs and Their Knowledge Soundness.
TCC (3)
Markulf Kohlweiss
Mahak Pancholi
Akira Takahashi
How to Compile Polynomial IOP into Simulation-Extractable SNARKs: A Modular Approach.
TCC (3)
Susumu Kiyoshima
Holographic SNARGs for P and Batch-NP from (Polynomially Hard) Learning with Errors.
TCC (3)
volume 14371, 2023
Theory of Cryptography - 21st International Conference, TCC 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, November 29 - December 2, 2023, Proceedings, Part III
TCC (3)
14371 (2023)
Reo Eriguchi
Kaoru Kurosawa
Koji Nuida
On the Optimal Communication Complexity of Error-Correcting Multi-server PIR.
TCC (3)
Harry Eldridge
Aarushi Goel
Matthew Green
Abhishek Jain
Maximilian Zinkus
One-Time Programs from Commodity Hardware.
TCC (3)
Shany Ben-David
Yael Tauman Kalai
Omer Paneth
Verifiable Private Information Retrieval.
TCC (3)
Shai Halevi
Eyal Kushilevitz
Random-Index Oblivious RAM.
TCC (3)
Juan A. Garay
Aggelos Kiayias
Yu Shen
Permissionless Clock Synchronization with Public Setup.
TCC (3)
Balthazar Bauer
Pooya Farshim
Patrick Harasser
Adam O'Neill
Beyond Uber: Instantiating Generic Groups via PGGs.
TCC (3)
Benjamin Chan
Cody Freitag
Rafael Pass
Universal Reductions: Reductions Relative to Stateful Oracles.
TCC (3)
Saumya Goyal
Varun Narayanan
Manoj Prabhakaran
Oblivious-Transfer Complexity of Noisy Coin-Toss via Secure Zero Communication Reductions.
TCC (3)
volume 13749, 2022
Theory of Cryptography - 20th International Conference, TCC 2022, Chicago, IL, USA, November 7-10, 2022, Proceedings, Part III
TCC (3)
13749 (2022)
Joël Alwen
Benedikt Auerbach
Mirza Ahad Baig
Miguel Cueto Noval
Karen Klein
Guillermo Pascual-Perez
Krzysztof Pietrzak
Michael Walter
Grafting Key Trees: Efficient Key Management for Overlapping Groups.
TCC (3)
Craig Gentry
Shai Halevi
Bernardo Magri
Jesper Buus Nielsen
Sophia Yakoubov
Random-Index PIR and Applications.
TCC (3)
Nico Döttling
Dominik Hartmann
Dennis Hofheinz
Eike Kiltz
Sven Schäge
Bogdan Ursu
On the Impossibility of Purely Algebraic Signatures.
TCC (3)
Alexander Bienstock
Yevgeniy Dodis
Kevin Yeo
Forward Secret Encrypted RAM: Lower Bounds and Applications.
TCC (3)
Lior Rotem
Simple and Efficient Batch Verification Techniques for Verifiable Delay Functions.
TCC (3)
Christian Badertscher
Christian Matt
Hendrik Waldner
Policy-Compliant Signatures.
TCC (3)
Ran Canetti
Ari Karchmer
Covert Learning: How to Learn with an Untrusted Intermediary.
TCC (3)
Julia Hesse
Dennis Hofheinz
Lisa Kohl
Roman Langrehr
Towards Tight Adaptive Security of Non-interactive Key Exchange.
TCC (3)
Megumi Ando
Anna Lysyanskaya
Cryptographic Shallots: A Formal Treatment of Repliable Onion Encryption.
TCC (3)
Lior Rotem
Gil Segev
Non-malleable Vector Commitments via Local Equivocability.
TCC (3)
Melissa Chase
Sanjam Garg
Mohammad Hajiabadi
Jialin Li
Peihan Miao
Amortizing Rate-1 OT and Applications to PIR and PSI.
TCC (3)
Chris Peikert
Zachary Pepin
Chad Sharp
Vector and Functional Commitments from Lattices.
TCC (3)
Parhat Abla
Feng-Hao Liu
Han Wang
Zhedong Wang
Ring-Based Identity Based Encryption - Asymptotically Shorter MPK and Tighter Security.
TCC (3)
Yevgeniy Dodis
Harish Karthikeyan
Daniel Wichs
Updatable Public Key Encryption in the Standard Model.
TCC (3)
Navid Alamati
Pedro Branco
Nico Döttling
Sanjam Garg
Mohammad Hajiabadi
Sihang Pu
Laconic Private Set Intersection and Applications.
TCC (3)
Cody Freitag
Ilan Komargodski
Rafael Pass
Naomi Sirkin
Non-malleable Time-Lock Puzzles and Applications.
TCC (3)
volume 13044, 2021
Theory of Cryptography - 19th International Conference, TCC 2021, Raleigh, NC, USA, November 8-11, 2021, Proceedings, Part III
TCC (3)
13044 (2021)
Nai-Hui Chia
Kai-Min Chung
Takashi Yamakawa
Classical Verification of Quantum Computations with Efficient Verifier.
TCC (3)
Anne Broadbent
Rabib Islam
Quantum Encryption with Certified Deletion.
TCC (3)
Dror Chawin
Iftach Haitner
Noam Mazor
Lower Bounds on the Time/Memory Tradeoff of Function Inversion.
TCC (3)
Christian Badertscher
Ran Canetti
Julia Hesse
Björn Tackmann
Vassilis Zikas
Universal Composition with Global Subroutines: Capturing Global Setup Within Plain UC.
TCC (3)
Joseph Jaeger
Stefano Tessaro
Expected-Time Cryptography: Generic Techniques and Applications to Concrete Soundness.
TCC (3)
volume 12552, 2020
Theory of Cryptography - 18th International Conference, TCC 2020, Durham, NC, USA, November 16-19, 2020, Proceedings, Part III
TCC (3)
12552 (2020)