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Denert Award
Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2020: Practice Meets Foundations
Denert Award
Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2019 - Practice Meets Foundations
Denert Award
Dominic Steinhöfel
Ever Change a Running System: Structured Software Reengineering Using Automatically Proven-Correct Transformation Rules.
Denert Award
István Koren
DevOpsUse: A Community-Oriented Methodology for Societal Software Engineering.
Denert Award
Dominic Henze
Dynamically Scalable Fog Architectures.
Denert Award
Mojdeh Golagha
How to Effectively Reduce Failure Analysis Time?
Denert Award
Nikolay Harutyunyan
Open Source Software Governance: Distilling and Applying Industry Best Practices.
Denert Award
Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser
What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing Style.
Denert Award
Peter Wägemann
Static Worst-Case Analyses and Their Validation Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems.
Denert Award
Michael Felderer
Wilhelm Hasselbring
Heiko Koziolek
Florian Matthes
Lutz Prechelt
Ralf H. Reussner
Bernhard Rumpe
Ina Schaefer
Ernst Denert Software Engineering Award 2020.
Denert Award
Lutz Prechelt
Some Patterns of Convincing Software Engineering Research, or: How to Win the Ernst Denert Software Engineering Award 2020.
Denert Award
Anne Hess
Crossing Disciplinary Borders to Improve Requirements Communication.
Denert Award
Michael von Wenckstern
Improving the Model-Based Systems Engineering Process.
Denert Award
Yannic Noller
Hybrid Differential Software Testing.
Denert Award
Franz Zieris
Understanding How Pair Programming Actually Works in Industry: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Dynamics.
Denert Award
Johannes Späth
Applications of Synchronized Pushdown Systems.
Denert Award
Marco Konersmann
Michael Goedicke
Same but Different: Consistently Developing and Evolving Software Architecture Models and Their Implementation.
Denert Award
Marija Selakovic
Actionable Program Analyses for Improving Software Performance.
Denert Award
Ernst Denert
Software Engineering.
Denert Award
Timo Greifenberg
Steffen Hillemacher
Katrin Hölldobler
Applied Artifact-Based Analysis for Architecture Consistency Checking.
Denert Award
Michael Felderer
Wilhelm Hasselbring
Heiko Koziolek
Florian Matthes
Lutz Prechelt
Ralf H. Reussner
Bernhard Rumpe
Ina Schaefer
Ernst Denert Software Engineering Awards 2019.
Denert Award
Sebastian Baltes
Software Developers' Work Habits and Expertise: Empirical Studies on Sketching, Code Plagiarism, and Expertise Development.
Denert Award