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DOOR (Supplement)
Alexandr E. Galashov
Alexander Kelmanov
An Exact Pseudopolynomial Algorithm for a Problem of Finding a Family of Disjoint Subsets.
DOOR (Supplement)
Gleb Grenkin
Alexander Yu. Chebotarev
Optimal Control for Radiative Heat Transfer Model with Monotonic Cost Functionals.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander A. Kolokolov
Alexandra Artemova
Alexander Adelshin
Irina Kan
Discrete Optimization Models for Solving Complex Products Design Problems.
DOOR (Supplement)
Edward Khairutdinovich Gimadi
Anna A. Kurochkina
Elena A. Nagornaya
Probabilistic Analysis of an Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem on Unbounded Above Random Input Data.
DOOR (Supplement)
Konstantin N. Kudryavtsev
Vladislav I. Zhukovskiy
Irina Stabulit
One Method for Constructing Pareto-Optimal Nash Equilibriums.
DOOR (Supplement)
Evgeny Kuleshov
Konstantin Petrov
Tatiana Kirillova
Modeling the Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on the Interval Estimation of the Probability Distribution Function.
DOOR (Supplement)
Robert Namm
George Tsoy
Solution of the Contact Elasticity Problem Based on an Iterative Proximal Regularization Method for the Modified Lagrangian Functional.
DOOR (Supplement)
Nadezhda Dresvyanskaya
An Investigation of a Bilevel Energy Market Model.
DOOR (Supplement)
Valeriy A. Kalyagin
Alexander P. Koldanov
Petr A. Koldanov
Robust Identification of Subgraphs in a Complete Weighted Graph Associated with a Set of Random Variables.
DOOR (Supplement)
Victor Gorelik
Tatiana Zolotova
On the Equivalence of Optimality Principles in the Two-Criteria Problem of the Investment Portfolio Choice.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander Bahrushin
Galina Bahrushina
Ruslan Bazhenov
Kiseon Kim
Rudolf Tsoy
Robust Image Watermarking Technique Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimization and Even Odd Modulation.
DOOR (Supplement)
Po-An Chen
Generalized Mirror Descents with Non-Convex Potential Functions in Atomic Congestion Games.
DOOR (Supplement)
Natalia B. Shamray
The General Multimodal Network Equilibrium Problem with Elastic Balanced Demand.
DOOR (Supplement)
Anton V. Eremeev
Alexander Kelmanov
Artem V. Pyatkin
On a Quadratic Euclidean Problem of Vector Subset Choice: Complexity and Algorithmic Approach.
DOOR (Supplement)
Natalia Bakhtadze
Valery E. Pyatetsky
Ekaterina A. Sakrutina
Predictive Model's Development Based on the Wavelet Analysis Technique.
DOOR (Supplement)
Anton Kolosnitcyn
Modified Simplex Imbeddings Method in Convex Non-differentiable Optimization.
DOOR (Supplement)
Inna Urazova
Ruslan Simanchev
DOOR (Supplement)
Sergey Ivanov
Vera Korbulakova
Bilevel Programming Problem with Quantile Follower's Objective Function.
DOOR (Supplement)
Sergei P. Sidorov
Sergei V. Mironov
Michael Pleshakov
Dual Greedy Algorithm for Conic Optimization Problem.
DOOR (Supplement)
Gennady Alekseev
Aleksey Lobanov
Yuliya Spivak
Optimization and Discretization in 2D Problems of Electromagnetic Invisible Cloaking.
DOOR (Supplement)
Oleg V. Khamisov
Explicit Univariate Global Optimization with Piecewise Linear Support Functions.
DOOR (Supplement)
Anton V. Eremeev
Runtime Analysis of Genetic Algorithms with Very High Selection Pressure.
DOOR (Supplement)
Yuriy Shmidt
Natalia Ivashina
Galina Ozerova
Paul Lobodin
Migration Processes Modeling with Cellular Automation.
DOOR (Supplement)
Wei Weng
Gang Rong
Shigeru Fujimura
A Using Distributed Intelligent Agents for Due Date Assignment.
DOOR (Supplement)
Edward Gimadi
Evgenii N. Goncharov
Valentin V. Leonov
On Formulation and Software Implementation of Some Financial Management and Barter Transactions Problems.
DOOR (Supplement)
Natalia Grigoreva
Single Machine Inserted Idle Time Scheduling with Release Times and Due Dates.
DOOR (Supplement)
Xenia Klimentova
Anton V. Ushakov
Igor Vasilyev
-median Problem with Order for Two-Source Clustering.
DOOR (Supplement)
Edward Khairutdinovich Gimadi
Alexey M. Istomin
Ekaterina Shin
On Algorithm for the Minimum Spanning Trees Problem with Diameter Bounded Below.
DOOR (Supplement)
Yuri Kochetov
Artem A. Panin
Alexander Plyasunov
Genetic Local Search for the Servers Load Balancing Problem.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander Gordeev
Alexander V. Kononov
Polina A. Kononova
Optima Localization in Scheduling Multi-Processor Jobs.
DOOR (Supplement)
Pavel E. Dvurechensky
Alexander V. Gasnikov
Evgenia Gasnikova
Sergey Matsievsky
Anton Rodomanov
Inna Usik
Primal-Dual Method for Searching Equilibrium in Hierarchical Congestion Population Games.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander Yu. Chebotarev
Andrey E. Kovtanyuk
Veronika Pestretsova
Optimization Iterative Procedure for Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer Model.
DOOR (Supplement)
Andrei V. Orlov
Alexander S. Strekalovsky
On a Local Search for Hexamatrix Games.
DOOR (Supplement)
Andrei Sushchenko
Tatiana Park
René Pinnau
Oliver Tse
Convergence of Solutions of an Optimal Control Problem for SP1 and Rosseland Approximations.
DOOR (Supplement)
Chiang Kao
Malmquist Productivity Index for Network Production Systems.
DOOR (Supplement)
Igor Ya. Zabotin
Oksana Shulgina
Rashid S. Yarullin
A Minimization Algorithm with Approximation of an Epigraph of the Objective Function and a Constraint Set.
DOOR (Supplement)
Svetlana Gakh
Dual Model of Power Market with Generation and Line Capacity Expansion.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander Prolubnikov
-variables Polynomials and the Algorithms that Use the Reduction.
DOOR (Supplement)
Vladimir B. Berikov
Cluster Ensemble with Averaged Co-Association Matrix Maximizing the Expected Margin.
DOOR (Supplement)
Marina V. Polonik
Olga V. Dudko
Selection of the Optimal Parameters of the Process for Thermal Laser Treatment of Metals for Creating the Molten Pool with a Required Depth.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander A. Semenov
Oleg Zaikin
On the Accuracy of Statistical Estimations of SAT Partitionings Effectiveness in Application to Discrete Function Inversion Problems.
DOOR (Supplement)
Elina Vikhtenko
Modified Duality Method for Obstacle Problem.
DOOR (Supplement)
Valery Vasilev
On Strong Accessibility of the Core of TU Cooperative Game.
DOOR (Supplement)
Andrey Velichko
Valeriya V. Gribova
Leonid A. Fedorishchev
Software System for Interactive Simulation of Interregional Trade.
DOOR (Supplement)
Gennady Zabudsky
Natalia Veremchuk
About Local Optimum of the Weber Problem on Line with Forbidden Gaps.
DOOR (Supplement)
Dmitry Mokeev
-König Extended Forests and Cycles.
DOOR (Supplement)
Anna A. Kurochkina
Alexander Kurochkin
-clustering Problem on the Line.
DOOR (Supplement)
Alexander A. Ageev
Alexei E. Baburin
Approximating Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Delays When Processing Times Depend Only on Machines.
DOOR (Supplement)
Andrey Velichko
Interregional Transportation Modeling for the Far East of Russia Macro-region.
DOOR (Supplement)
volume 1623, 2016
Supplementary Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research and Scientific School (DOOR 2016), Vladivostok, Russia, September 19 - 23, 2016.
DOOR (Supplement)
1623 (2016)