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Cryptography and Security
Nicolas T. Courtois
Gregory V. Bard
Random Permutation Statistics and an Improved Slide-Determine Attack on KeeLoq.
Cryptography and Security
David Naccache
David Pointcheval
Autotomic Signatures.
Cryptography and Security
Alexandre Berzati
Cécile Canovas-Dumas
Louis Goubin
Secret Key Leakage from Public Key Perturbation of DLP-Based Cryptosystems.
Cryptography and Security
Jonathan Valamehr
Ted Huffmire
Cynthia E. Irvine
Ryan Kastner
Çetin Kaya Koç
Timothy E. Levin
Timothy Sherwood
A Qualitative Security Analysis of a New Class of 3-D Integrated Crypto Co-processors.
Cryptography and Security
Vincent van der Leest
Erik van der Sluis
Geert Jan Schrijen
Pim Tuyls
Helena Handschuh
Efficient Implementation of True Random Number Generator Based on SRAM PUFs.
Cryptography and Security
Puwen Wei
Yuliang Zheng
Xiaoyun Wang
Public Key Encryption for the Forgetful.
Cryptography and Security
Nicolas T. Courtois
Self-similarity Attacks on Block Ciphers and Application to KeeLoq.
Cryptography and Security
Jean-Sébastien Coron
Aline Gouget
Thomas Icart
Pascal Paillier
Supplemental Access Control (PACE v2): Security Analysis of PACE Integrated Mapping.
Cryptography and Security
Kenneth G. Paterson
Gaven J. Watson
Authenticated-Encryption with Padding: A Formal Security Treatment.
Cryptography and Security
Benjamin Mounier
Anne-Lise Ribotta
Jacques J. A. Fournier
Michel Agoyan
Assia Tria
EM Probes Characterisation for Security Analysis.
Cryptography and Security
Vanessa Gratzer
David Naccache
How to Read a Signature?
Cryptography and Security
Marc Joye
On Quisquater's Multiplication Algorithm.
Cryptography and Security
Mike Burmester
Localization Privacy.
Cryptography and Security
Benoît Libert
Moti Yung
Fully Forward-Secure Group Signatures.
Cryptography and Security
Michaël Quisquater
The Hidden Side of Jean-Jacques Quisquater.
Cryptography and Security
George I. Davida
Yair Frankel
Efficient Encryption and Storage of Close Distance Messages with Applications to Cloud Storage.
Cryptography and Security
Guillaume Claret
Michaël Mathieu
David Naccache
Guillaume Seguin
Physical Simulation of Inarticulate Robots.
Cryptography and Security
Mehdi Tibouchi
A Nagell Algorithm in Any Characteristic.
Cryptography and Security
Peter Schmidt-Nielsen
Kailiang Chen
Jonathan Bachrach
Scott Greenwald
Forrest Green
Neil Gershenfeld
Cryptography with Asynchronous Logic Automata.
Cryptography and Security
Ulrich Rührmair
SIMPL Systems as a Keyless Cryptographic and Security Primitive.
Cryptography and Security
François-Xavier Standaert
Christophe Petit
Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon
Masking with Randomized Look Up Tables - Towards Preventing Side-Channel Attacks of All Orders.
Cryptography and Security
Sherman S. M. Chow
Cheng-Kang Chu
Xinyi Huang
Jianying Zhou
Robert H. Deng
Dynamic Secure Cloud Storage with Provenance.
Cryptography and Security
Byungchun Chung
Sandra Marcello
Amir-Pasha Mirbaha
David Naccache
Karim Sabeg
Operand Folding Hardware Multipliers.
Cryptography and Security
Jacques Patarin
Benjamin Gittins
Joana Treger
Increasing Block Sizes Using Feistel Networks: The Example of the AES.
Cryptography and Security
Junfeng Fan
Ingrid Verbauwhede
An Updated Survey on Secure ECC Implementations: Attacks, Countermeasures and Cost.
Cryptography and Security
Serge Vaudenay
Deniable RSA Signature - The Raise and Fall of Ali Baba.
Cryptography and Security
Sebastiaan Indesteege
Bart Preneel
DES Collisions Revisited.
Cryptography and Security
Yves Deswarte
Sébastien Gambs
The Challenges Raised by the Privacy-Preserving Identity Card.
Cryptography and Security
Olivier Blazy
David Pointcheval
Traceable Signature with Stepping Capabilities.
Cryptography and Security
Yvo Desmedt
A Brief Survey of Research Jointly with Jean-Jacques Quisquater.
Cryptography and Security
Guillaume Bouffard
Jean-Louis Lanet
The Next Smart Card Nightmare - Logical Attacks, Combined Attacks, Mutant Applications and Other Funny Things.
Cryptography and Security
Jean-Claude Bermond
Fahir Ö. Ergincan
Michel Syska
Line Directed Hypergraphs.
Cryptography and Security
Edwin Bowden-Peters
Raphael C.-W. Phan
John N. Whitley
David J. Parish
Fooling a Liveness-Detecting Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner.
Cryptography and Security
volume 6805, 2012
Cryptography and Security: From Theory to Applications - Essays Dedicated to Jean-Jacques Quisquater on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Cryptography and Security
6805 (2012)