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MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, MMHealth 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 16, 2016
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Yunlong Wang
Ulrike Pfeil
Harald Reiterer
Supporting Self-Assembly: A Demo on Mobile Health Apps.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Yunlong Wang
Ulrike Pfeil
Harald Reiterer
Supporting Self-Assembly: The IKEA Effect on Mobile Health Persuasive Technology.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Mario Ganzeboom
Emre Yilmaz
Catia Cucchiarini
Helmer Strik
Prototype ASR-based Multimedia Game for Speech Therapy.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Tat-Seng Chua
From Personal Wellness to Healthcare Support Systems: A Big Data Driven Approach.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Thierry Oscar Edoh
Athanase Atchome
Bidossessi R. U. Alahassa
Arnaud Ahouandjinou
Pravin Amrut Pawar
Simulation of Energy Consumption in a Multi-Tier Heterogeneous Sensor Network for Patient Monitoring: Simulation Using NS2-Simulation-Tool.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Thierry Oscar Edoh
Athanase Atchome
Bidossessi R. U. Alahassa
Pravin Amrut Pawar
Evaluation of a Multi-Tier Heterogeneous Sensor Network for Patient Monitoring: The Case of Benin.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Mario Ganzeboom
Emre Yilmaz
Catia Cucchiarini
Helmer Strik
On the Development of an ASR-based Multimedia Game for Speech Therapy: Preliminary Results.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Jobke Wentzel
Thea van der Geest
Focus on Accessibility: Multimodal Healthcare Technology for All.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Alex S. Bennett
Ian David Aronson
Honoria Guarino
Theodore C. Bania
Lisa A. Marsch
Perspectives on Tablet-based Multimedia Interventions for Behavioral Health: Populations, Venues, and Delivery modalities.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Thanos G. Stavropoulos
Georgios Meditskos
Alexia Briassouli
Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Multimodal Sensing and Intelligent Fusion for Remote Dementia Care and Support.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Kieran Moran
Haolin Wei
David S. Monaghan
Catherine Woods
Noel E. O'Connor
Dimitrios Zarpalas
Anargyros Chatzitofis
Petros Daras
Jens Piesk
Andrew Pomazanskyi
A Technology Platform for Enabling Behavioural Change as a "PATHway" Towards Better Self-management of CVD.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Ian David Aronson
Alex S. Bennett
Honoria Guarino
Lisa A. Marsch
Theodore C. Bania
Mobile Interventions to Increase HIV Testing among Underserved: High-Risk Populations.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Christian Handschigl
Britta Meixner
Stefan John
Michael Granitzer
Second Screen Hypervideo-Based Physiotherapy Training: INVITED DEMO PAPER.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Jochen Meyer
Anastasia Kazakova
Merlin Büsing
Susanne Boll
Visualization of Complex Health Data on Mobile Devices.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Britta Meixner
Christian Handschigl
Stefan John
Michael Granitzer
A Dual Screen Concept for User-Controlled Hypervideo-Based Physiotherapy Training.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia
Kieran Moran
Haolin Wei
David S. Monaghan
Catherine Woods
Noel E. O'Connor
Dimitrios Zarpalas
Anargyros Chatzitofis
Petros Daras
Jens Piesk
Andrew Pomazanskyi
A Demonstration of the PATHway System for Technology-enabled Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation.
MMHealth@ACM Multimedia