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SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Proceedings of the SIGMOD 2016 PhD Symposium, San Francisco, California, USA, June 26, 2016
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Amr Magdy
Scalable Microblogs Data Management.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Elad Kravi
Understanding User Behavior From Online Traces.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Mikaƫl Monet
Probabilistic Evaluation of Expressive Queries on Bounded-Treewidth Instances.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Nhung Ngo
Query Answering over Complete Data with Conceptual Constraints.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Maroun Abi Assaf
Towards an Integration System for Artifact-centric Processes.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Ladan Golshanara
Temporal Data Exchange.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Khaled Ammar
Techniques and Systems for Large Dynamic Graphs.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Alon Y. Halevy
What I Wish I Knew When I Finished my PhD.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Thinh Minh Do
Non-linear Time-series Analysis of Social Influence.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Takato Honda
TrailMarker: Automatic Mining of Geographical Complex Sequences.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Qi Fan
Kian-Lee Tan
Towards Window Analytics over Large-scale Graphs.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD PhD Symposium, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, May 31 - June 04, 2015
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Antonio Maccioni
Flexible Query Answering over Graph-modeled Data.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Tova Milo
From Good Research to Good Papers: A Personal Journey.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Yuhong Li
Efficient Query Processing in Time Series.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
David Broneske
Adaptive Reprogramming for Databases on Heterogeneous Processors.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Kwan Hui Lim
Recommending Tours and Places-of-Interest based on User Interests from Geo-tagged Photos.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Xiu Susie Fang
Generating Actionable Knowledge from Big Data.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Sebastian Dorok
The Relational Way To Dam The Flood Of Genome Data.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Antoine Amarilli
Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Tianhong Song
Provenance-Driven Data Curation Workflow Analysis.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Ved Prakash
Efficient delegation protocols for data streams.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Michael J. Mior
Automated schema design for NoSQL databases.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Cristina Civili
Query answering over ontologies specified via database dependencies.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD 2014, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 22, 2014, PhD Symposium
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Evgeny Sherkhonov
Data exchange for document-centric XML.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji
Toward unstructured mesh algebra and query language.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Fatemeh Nargesian
Data-driven recommendations for exploratory query formulation.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Ahmed Eldawy
SpatialHadoop: towards flexible and scalable spatial processing using mapreduce.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Lesley Wevers
Persistent functional languages: toward functional relational databases.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Timo Michelsen
Data stream processing in dynamic and decentralized peer-to-peer networks.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium
Sebastian Schelter
Scaling data mining in massively parallel dataflow systems.
SIGMOD PhD Symposium