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Software, Services, and Systems
Alexander Kurz
Stefan Milius
Dirk Pattinson
Lutz Schröder
Simplified Coalgebraic Trace Equivalence.
Software, Services, and Systems
Donald Sannella
Andrzej Tarlecki
The Foundational Legacy of ASL.
Software, Services, and Systems
Salvador Lucas
José Meseguer
Localized Operational Termination in General Logics.
Software, Services, and Systems
Ivan Lanese
Fabrizio Montesi
Gianluigi Zavattaro
The Evolution of Jolie - From Orchestrations to Adaptable Choreographies.
Software, Services, and Systems
Joseph Sifakis
Saddek Bensalem
Simon Bliudze
Marius Bozga
A Theory Agenda for Component-Based Design.
Software, Services, and Systems
Martin Hofmann
Logical Relations and Nondeterminism.
Software, Services, and Systems
Maurice H. ter Beek
Stefania Gnesi
Franco Mazzanti
From EU Projects to a Family of Model Checkers - From Kandinsky to KandISTI.
Software, Services, and Systems
Emil Vassev
Mike Hinchey
The KnowLang Approach to Self-adaptation.
Software, Services, and Systems
Carlos Areces
Pascal Fontaine
Stephan Merz
Modal Satisfiability via SMT Solving.
Software, Services, and Systems
Roberto Bruni
Andrea Corradini
Fabio Gadducci
Alberto Lluch-Lafuente
Andrea Vandin
A White Box Perspective on Behavioural Adaptation.
Software, Services, and Systems
Rocco De Nicola
Rolf Hennicker
A Homage to Martin Wirsing.
Software, Services, and Systems
Heinrich Hussmann
The Broad View: How To Spawn a Radical Organizational Transformation 'En Passant'.
Software, Services, and Systems
Nicola Bicocchi
Letizia Leonardi
Franco Zambonelli
Software-Intensive Systems for Smart Cities: From Ensembles to Superorganisms.
Software, Services, and Systems
Alexander Schiendorfer
Alexander Knapp
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
Gerrit Anders
Florian Siefert
Wolfgang Reif
Partial Valuation Structures for Qualitative Soft Constraints.
Software, Services, and Systems
Harald Störrle
Effective and Efficient Model Clone Detection.
Software, Services, and Systems
Don S. Batory
Peter Höfner
Dominik Köppl
Bernhard Möller
Andreas Zelend
Structured Document Algebra in Action.
Software, Services, and Systems
Alexander Knapp
María Victoria Cengarle
Institutions for OCL-Like Expression Languages.
Software, Services, and Systems
José Luiz Fiadeiro
Fernando Orejas
Abstract Constraint Data Types.
Software, Services, and Systems
Si Liu
Peter Csaba Ölveczky
José Meseguer
Formal Analysis of Leader Election in MANETs Using Real-Time Maude.
Software, Services, and Systems
Carolyn L. Talcott
Farhad Arbab
Maneesh Yadav
Soft Agents: Exploring Soft Constraints to Model Robust Adaptive Distributed Cyber-Physical Agent Systems.
Software, Services, and Systems
Kokichi Futatsugi
Generate & Check Method for Verifying Transition Systems in CafeOBJ.
Software, Services, and Systems
Hubert Baumeister
Mohamed Bettaz
Mourad Maouche
M'hamed Mosteghanemi
An Institution for Object-Z with Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Software, Services, and Systems
Alexander Knapp
Till Mossakowski
Markus Roggenbach
Towards an Institutional Framework for Heterogeneous Formal Development in UML - - A Position Paper -.
Software, Services, and Systems
Ugo Montanari
Rosario Pugliese
Francesco Tiezzi
Programming Autonomic Systems with Multiple Constraint Stores.
Software, Services, and Systems
Gianna Reggio
Egidio Astesiano
Christine Choppy
A Framework for Defining and Comparing Modelling Methods.
Software, Services, and Systems
Antonio Bucchiarone
Hartmut Ehrig
Claudia Ermel
Patrizio Pelliccione
Olga Runge
Rule-Based Modeling and Static Analysis of Self-adaptive Systems by Graph Transformation.
Software, Services, and Systems
Thomas Trojer
Matthias Farwick
Martin Haeusler
Ruth Breu
Living Modeling of IT Architectures: Challenges and Solutions.
Software, Services, and Systems
Nikola B. Serbedzija
Adaptive and Autonomous Systems and Their Impact on Us.
Software, Services, and Systems
Matthias M. Hölzl
Nora Koch
Philip Mayer
Andreas Schroeder
Lenz Belzner
Marianne Busch
Anton Fasching
Annabelle Klarl
Christian Kroiss
Laith Raed
Ode to the PST.
Software, Services, and Systems
Stephen Gilmore
Jane Hillston
Mirco Tribastone
Service Composition for Collective Adaptive Systems.
Software, Services, and Systems
Bernd Krieg-Brückner
Serge Autexier
Martin Rink
Sidoine Ghomsi Nokam
Formal Modelling for Cooking Assistance.
Software, Services, and Systems
Bernhard Bauer
Melanie Langermeier
Christian Saad
A Flow Analysis Approach for Service-Oriented Architectures.
Software, Services, and Systems
Diego Latella
Michele Loreti
Mieke Massink
Valerio Senni
On StocS: A Stochastic Extension of SCEL.
Software, Services, and Systems
Flemming Nielson
Hanne Riis Nielson
Kebin Zeng
Stochastic Model Checking of the Stochastic Quality Calculus.
Software, Services, and Systems
Manfred Broy
Pragmatic Formal Specification of System Properties by Tables.
Software, Services, and Systems
Jan A. Bergstra
Alban Ponse
Division by Zero in Common Meadows.
Software, Services, and Systems
Tomás Bures
Ilias Gerostathopoulos
Jaroslav Keznikl
Frantisek Plasil
Petr Tuma
Formalization of Invariant Patterns for the Invariant Refinement Method.
Software, Services, and Systems
Wolfgang Hesse
From Formal Logic through Program Transformations to System Dynamics: 40 Years of Meeting Points with Martin Wirsing.
Software, Services, and Systems
volume 8950, 2015
Software, Services, and Systems - Essays Dedicated to Martin Wirsing on the Occasion of His Retirement from the Chair of Programming and Software Engineering
Software, Services, and Systems
8950 (2015)