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Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Nico Piatkowski
François Schnitzler
Compressible Reparametrization of Time-Variant Linear Dynamical Systems.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Sangkyun Lee
Andreas Holzinger
Knowledge Discovery from Complex High Dimensional Data.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Sermad Abbas
Roland Fried
Ursula Gather
Detection of Local Intensity Changes in Grayscale Images with Robust Methods for Time-Series Analysis.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Nikolaos Panagiotou
Ioannis Katakis
Dimitrios Gunopulos
Detecting Events in Online Social Networks: Definitions, Trends and Challenges.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Thorsten Joachims
Karthik Raman
Bayesian Ordinal Aggregation of Peer Assessments: A Case Study on KDD 2015.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Claus Weihs
Big Data Classification - Aspects on Many Features.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Gustavo Souto
Thomas Liebig
On Event Detection from Spatial Time Series for Urban Traffic Applications.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Sriraam Natarajan
Ameet Soni
Anurag Wazalwar
Dileep Viswanathan
Kristian Kersting
Deep Distant Supervision: Learning Statistical Relational Models for Weak Supervision in Natural Language Extraction.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Fosca Giannotti
Lorenzo Gabrielli
Dino Pedreschi
Salvatore Rinzivillo
Understanding Human Mobility with Big Data.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Élisa Fromont
Bart Goethals
k-Morik: Mining Patterns to Classify Cartified Images of Katharina.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Christophe Rodrigues
Henry Soldano
Gauvain Bourgne
Céline Rouveirol
Collaborative Online Learning of an Action Model.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Arno Siebes
Sharing Data with Guaranteed Privacy.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Jean-François Boulicaut
Marc Plantevit
Céline Robardet
Local Pattern Detection in Attributed Graphs.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Martin Atzmüller
Advances in Exploratory Pattern Analytics on Ubiquitous Data and Social Media.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Volker Klingspor
Why Do We Need Data Privacy?
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Thomas Hoppe
Ontology-Based Classification - Application of Machine Learning Concepts Without Learning.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Marco Stolpe
Kanishka Bhaduri
Kamalika Das
Distributed Support Vector Machines: An Overview.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Mário Cordeiro
João Gama
Online Social Networks Event Detection: A Survey.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Christian Pölitz
Supervised Extraction of Usage Patterns in Different Document Representations.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Ahcène Boubekki
Ulf Kröhne
Frank Goldhammer
Waltraud Schreiber
Ulf Brefeld
Data-Driven Analyses of Electronic Text Books.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
Wouter Duivesteijn
Marvin Meeng
SCHEP - A Geometric Quality Measure for Regression Rule Sets, Gauging Ranking Consistency Throughout the Real-Valued Target Space.
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
volume 9580, 2016
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks. Challenges and Algorithms - Essays Dedicated to Katharina Morik on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks
9580 (2016)