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MFCS (1)
Benjamin Lucien Kaminski
Joost-Pieter Katoen
On the Hardness of Almost-Sure Termination.
MFCS (1)
Zoltán Ésik
Equational Properties of Fixed Point Operations in Cartesian Categories: An Overview.
MFCS (1)
Joseph Boudou
Exponential-Size Model Property for PDL with Separating Parallel Composition.
MFCS (1)
Andrzej Kisielewicz
Marek Szykula
Synchronizing Automata with Extremal Properties.
MFCS (1)
Manfred Droste
Stefan Dück
Weighted Automata and Logics on Graphs.
MFCS (1)
Daniel Krähmann
Jana Schubert
Christel Baier
Clemens Dubslaff
Ratio and Weight Quantiles.
MFCS (1)
Bruno Durand
Andrei E. Romashchenko
Quasiperiodicity and Non-computability in Tilings.
MFCS (1)
Mikhail V. Berlinkov
Marek Szykula
Algebraic Synchronization Criterion and Computing Reset Words.
MFCS (1)
Julian Salamanca
Marcello M. Bonsangue
Jan J. M. M. Rutten
Equations and Coequations for Weighted Automata.
MFCS (1)
Martin Kutrib
Reversible and Irreversible Computations of Deterministic Finite-State Devices.
MFCS (1)
Markus Latte
Matthias Niewerth
Definability by Weakly Deterministic Regular Expressions with Counters is Decidable.
MFCS (1)
Pawel Gawrychowski
Damian Straszak
Strong Inapproximability of the Shortest Reset Word.
MFCS (1)
Sandra Kiefer
Pascal Schweitzer
Erkal Selman
Graphs Identified by Logics with Counting.
MFCS (1)
Arno Pauly
Computability on the Countable Ordinals and the Hausdorff-Kuratowski Theorem (Extended Abstract).
MFCS (1)
Anahí Gajardo
Nicolas Ollinger
Rodrigo Torres-Avilés
The Transitivity Problem of Turing Machines.
MFCS (1)
Yishay Mansour
Robust Inference and Local Algorithms.
MFCS (1)
Laure Daviaud
Charles Paperman
Classes of Languages Generated by the Kleene Star of a Word.
MFCS (1)
Marius Dumitran
Florin Manea
Longest Gapped Repeats and Palindromes.
MFCS (1)
Charles Grellois
Paul-André Melliès
Finitary Semantics of Linear Logic and Higher-Order Model-Checking.
MFCS (1)
Victor Lagerkvist
Precise Upper and Lower Bounds for the Monotone Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
MFCS (1)
Kévin Perrot
Eric Rémila
Emergence on Decreasing Sandpile Models.
MFCS (1)
Giulio Iacobelli
Mirco Tribastone
Andrea Vandin
Differential Bisimulation for a Markovian Process Algebra.
MFCS (1)
Lauri Hella
Antti Kuusisto
Arne Meier
Heribert Vollmer
Modal Inclusion Logic: Being Lax is Simpler than Being Strict.
MFCS (1)
Luca Aceto
Dario Della Monica
Ignacio Fábregas
Anna Ingólfsdóttir
When Are Prime Formulae Characteristic?
MFCS (1)
Jacopo Mauro
Gianluigi Zavattaro
On the Complexity of Reconfiguration in Systems with Legacy Components.
MFCS (1)
Miika Hannula
Juha Kontinen
Jonni Virtema
Heribert Vollmer
Complexity of Propositional Independence and Inclusion Logic.
MFCS (1)
Samy Abbes
Jean Mairesse
Uniform Generation in Trace Monoids.
MFCS (1)
Michaël Cadilhac
Andreas Krebs
Michael Ludwig
Charles Paperman
A Circuit Complexity Approach to Transductions.
MFCS (1)
Guy Avni
Orna Kupferman
Stochastization of Weighted Automata.
MFCS (1)
Catalin Dima
Bastien Maubert
Sophie Pinchinat
Relating Paths in Transition Systems: The Fall of the Modal Mu-Calculus.
MFCS (1)
Valérie Berthé
Eda Cesaratto
Pablo Rotondo
Brigitte Vallée
Alfredo Viola
Recurrence Function on Sturmian Words: A Probabilistic Study.
MFCS (1)
Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi
Violetta Lonati
Dino Mandrioli
Matteo Pradella
Locally Chain-Parsable Languages.
MFCS (1)
Damien Regnault
Eric Rémila
Lost in Self-Stabilization.
MFCS (1)
Paolo Boldi
Minimal and Monotone Minimal Perfect Hash Functions.
MFCS (1)
Filip Mazowiecki
Joanna Ochremiak
Adam Witkowski
Eliminating Recursion from Monadic Datalog Programs on Trees.
MFCS (1)
volume 9234, 2015
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2015 - 40th International Symposium, MFCS 2015, Milan, Italy, August 24-28, 2015, Proceedings, Part I
MFCS (1)
9234 (2015)
Nathanaël Fijalkow
Hugo Gimbert
Florian Horn
Youssouf Oualhadj
Two Recursively Inseparable Problems for Probabilistic Automata.
MFCS (1)
Cyril Nicaud
Random Deterministic Automata.
MFCS (1)
Abhisekh Sankaran
Bharat Adsul
Supratik Chakraborty
A Generalization of the Łoś-Tarski Preservation Theorem over Classes of Finite Structures.
MFCS (1)
Michal Wrona
Tractability Frontier for Dually-Closed Ord-Horn Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
MFCS (1)
Furio Honsell
Luigi Liquori
Ivan Scagnetto
L ax F: Side Conditions and External Evidence as Monads.
MFCS (1)
Faried Abu Zaid
Erich Grädel
Martin Grohe
Wied Pakusa
Choiceless Polynomial Time on Structures with Small Abelian Colour Classes.
MFCS (1)
Florin Manea
Mike Müller
Dirk Nowotka
Shinnosuke Seki
Generalised Lyndon-Schützenberger Equations.
MFCS (1)
Jean-Baptiste Courtois
Sylvain Schmitz
Alternating Vector Addition Systems with States.
MFCS (1)
Viliam Geffert
Alexander Okhotin
Transforming Two-Way Alternating Finite Automata to One-Way Nondeterministic Automata.
MFCS (1)
Filip Mazowiecki
Filip Murlak
Adam Witkowski
Monadic Datalog and Regular Tree Pattern Queries.
MFCS (1)
Angelo Montanari
Gabriele Puppis
Pietro Sala
Decidability of the Interval Temporal Logic $\mathsf{A\bar{A}B\bar{B}}$ over the Rationals.
MFCS (1)
Emanuel Kieronski
Antti Kuusisto
Complexity and Expressivity of Uniform One-Dimensional Fragment with Equality.
MFCS (1)
Arturo Carpi
Gabriele Fici
Stepan Holub
Jakub Oprsal
Marinella Sciortino
Universal Lyndon Words.
MFCS (1)
volume 8634, 2014
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014 - 39th International Symposium, MFCS 2014, Budapest, Hungary, August 25-29, 2014. Proceedings, Part I
MFCS (1)
8634 (2014)