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D Lib Mag.
volume 23, number 1/2, 2017
Sheeba Samuel
Frank Taubert
Daniel Walther
Birgitta König-Ries
H. Martin Bücker
Towards Reproducibility of Microscopy Experiments.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Jingbo Wang
Benjamin J. K. Evans
Lesley Wyborn
Nick Car
Edward King
Supporting Data Reproducibility at NCI Using the Provenance Capture System.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Leonardo Candela
Paolo Manghi
Fosca Giannotti
Valerio Grossi
Roberto Trasarti
HyWare: a HYbrid Workflow lAnguage for Research E-infrastructures.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Daniel Nüst
Markus Konkol
Edzer J. Pebesma
Christian Kray
Marc Schutzeichel
Holger Przibytzin
Jörg Lorenz
Opening the Publication Process with Executable Research Compendia.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Jingbo Wang
Benjamin J. K. Evans
Lesley Wyborn
Amir Aryani
Melanie Barlow
Graph Connections Made By RD-Switchboard Using NCI's Metadata.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Adrian Burton
Amir Aryani
Hylke Koers
Paolo Manghi
Sandro La Bruzzo
Markus Stocker
Michael Diepenbroek
Uwe Schindler
Martin Fenner
The Scholix Framework for Interoperability in Data-Literature Information Exchange.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Stefan Pröll
Andreas Rauber
Enabling Reproducibility for Small and Large Scale Research Data Sets.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Vidya Ayer
Cord Wiljes
Philipp Cimiano
Christian Pietsch
Johanna Vompras
Jochen Schirrwagen
Najko Jahn
Conquaire: Towards an Architecture Supporting Continuous Quality Control to Ensure Reproducibility of Research.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Markus Stocker
From Data to Machine Readable Information Aggregated in Research Objects.
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
Amir Aryani
Óscar Corcho
Paolo Manghi
Jochen Schirrwagen
D Lib Mag.
23 (1/2) (2017)
volume 23, number 3/4, 2017
Daniel Lovins
Diane Hillmann
Broken-World Vocabularies.
D Lib Mag.
23 (3/4) (2017)
Maxi Kindling
Stephanie van de Sandt
Jessika Rücknagel
Peter Schirmbacher
Heinz Pampel
Paul Vierkant
Roland Bertelmann
Gabriele Kloska
Frank Scholze
Michael Witt
The Landscape of Research Data Repositories in 2015: A re3data Analysis.
D Lib Mag.
23 (3/4) (2017)
Sebastian Karcher
Christiane Pagé
Workshop Report: CAQDAS Projects and Digital Repositories' Best Practices.
D Lib Mag.
23 (3/4) (2017)
Joachim Schöpfel
Open Access to Scientific Information in Emerging Countries.
D Lib Mag.
23 (3/4) (2017)
Jan H. Höffler
ReplicationWiki: Improving Transparency in Social Sciences Research.
D Lib Mag.
23 (3/4) (2017)
volume 23, number 5/6, 2017
Kimberly Christen
Alex Merrill
Michael Wynne
A Community of Relations: Mukurtu Hubs and Spokes.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Kim Dulin
Adam Ziegler
Scaling Up Perma.cc: Ensuring the Integrity of the Digital Scholarly Record.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Harriett E. Green
Eleanor Dickson
Expanding the Librarian's Tech Toolbox: The "Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Librarians Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library" Project.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Victoria Van Hyning
Chris J. Lintott
Samantha Blickhan
Laura Trouille
Transforming Libraries and Archives through Crowdsourcing.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Jessica Meyerson
Zach Vowell
Wendy Hagenmaier
Aliza Leventhal
Fernando Rios
Elizabeth Russey Roke
Tim Walsh
The Software Preservation Network (SPN): A Community Effort to Ensure Long Term Access to Digital Cultural Heritage.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Michelle Caswell
Christopher Harter
Bergis Jules
Diversifying the Digital Historical Record: Integrating Community Archives in National Strategies for Access to Digital Cultural Heritage.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Snowden Becker
Jean-François Blanchette
On the Record, All the Time: Audiovisual Evidence Management in the 21st Century.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Sharon Strover
Brian E. Whitacre
Colin Rhinesmith
Alexis Schrubbe
At the Edges of the National Digital Platform.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Susannah Spellman
James Werle
Carson Block
Toward Gigabit Libraries.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Rebecca Fraimow
Meridith Beck Mink
Margo Padilla
The National Digital Stewardship Residency: Building a Community of Practice through Postgraduate Training and Education.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Emily Gore
Michael Della Bitta
Dan Cohen
The Digital Public Library of America and the National Digital Platform.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
James English
Leonard Richardson
SimplyE - More People Discovering More From the Library.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Josh Schneider
Peter Chan
Glynn Edwards
Sudheendra Hangal
ePADD: Computational Analysis Software Facilitating Screening, Browsing, and Access for Historically and Culturally Valuable Email Collections.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Trevor J. Owens
Ashley E. Sands
Emily Reynolds
James Neal
Stephen Mayeaux
Libraries Advancing the National Digital Platform.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale
Richard P. Johnson
Judy Ruttenberg
Jeffrey R. Spies
SHARE: Community-focused Infrastructure and a Public Goods, Scholarly Database to Advance Access to Research.
D Lib Mag.
23 (5/6) (2017)
volume 23, number 7/8, 2017
Hampapuram K. Ramapriyan
Ge Peng
David Moroni
Chung-Lin Shie
Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
David J. Williams
Kushal Hada
The Best Tool for the Job: Revisiting an Open Source Library Project.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
Jöran Beel
Zeljko Carevic
Johann Schaible
Gábor Neusch
RARD: The Related-Article Recommendation Dataset.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
Michelle Gallinger
Jefferson Bailey
Karen Cariani
Trevor J. Owens
Micah Altman
Trends in Digital Preservation Capacity and Practice: Results from the 2nd Bi-annual National Digital Stewardship Alliance Storage Survey.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
Alex Dolski
Cory Lampert
Kee Choi
Explorations of a Very-large-screen Digital Library Interface.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
Alan Witkowski
Anna Neatrour
Jeremy Myntti
Brian McBride
Massive Newspaper Migration - Moving 22 Million Records from CONTENTdm to Solphal.
D Lib Mag.
23 (7/8) (2017)
volume 22, number 7/8, 2016
Bernadette Houghton
Preservation Challenges in the Digital Age.
D Lib Mag.
22 (7/8) (2016)
Tuula Pääkkönen
Jukka Kervinen
Kimmo Kettunen
Asko Nivala
Eetu Mäkelä
Exporting Finnish Digitized Historical Newspaper Contents for Offline Use.
D Lib Mag.
22 (7/8) (2016)
Karen Smith-Yoshimura
Analysis of International Linked Data Survey for Implementers.
D Lib Mag.
22 (7/8) (2016)
volume 22, number 9/10, 2016
Iana Atanassova
Marc Bertin
Temporal Properties of Recurring In-text References.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Philipp Meschenmoser
Norman Meuschke
Manuel Hotz
Bela Gipp
Scraping Scientific Web Repositories: Challenges and Solutions for Automated Content Extraction.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Drahomira Herrmannova
Petr Knoth
An Analysis of the Microsoft Academic Graph.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Federico Nanni
Laura Dietz
Stefano Faralli
Goran Glavas
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Capturing Interdisciplinarity in Academic Abstracts.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Tanya Z. Berardini
Ron Daniel Jr.
Michael Lauruhn
Leonore Reiser
Preliminary Study on the Impact of Literature Curation in a Model Organism Database on Article Citation Rates.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Daniel Duma
Ewan Klein
Maria Liakata
James Ravenscroft
Amanda Clare
Rhetorical Classification of Anchor Text for Citation Recommendation.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Thiago H. P. Silva
Alberto H. F. Laender
Clodoveu A. Davis Jr.
Ana Paula Couto da Silva
Mirella M. Moro
The Impact of Academic Mobility on the Quality of Graduate Programs.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Drahomira Herrmannova
Petr Knoth
Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Laurence Lannom
Virtuous Cycle.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Shubhanshu Mishra
Vetle I. Torvik
Quantifying Conceptual Novelty in the Biomedical Literature.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)
Robert M. Patton
Christopher G. Stahl
Jack C. Wells
Measuring Scientific Impact Beyond Citation Counts.
D Lib Mag.
22 (9/10) (2016)