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Web Intell.
volume 22, number 1, 2024
Yizheng Huang
Jimmy X. Huang
Exploring ChatGPT for next-generation information retrieval: Opportunities and challenges.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Navnath B. Pokale
Pooja Sharma
Deepak T. Mane
Deep hybrid model for attack detection in IoT-fog architecture with improved feature set and optimal training.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Ning Zhong
Jiming Liu
Yiyu Yao
Web Intelligence: In search of a better connected world.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Rambabu D
Govardhan A
Survey on data replication in cloud systems.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Li He
Jiashu Zhao
Yulong Gu
Mitchell Elbaz
Zhuoye Ding
A bias study and an unbiased deep neural network for recommender systems.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Bing Shi
Shun Li
Yikai Luo
Liquan Zhu
Truthful mechanisms to maximize the social welfare in real-time ride-sharing.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Jada Kameswari
P. Ramesh
Veena Bhavikatti
B. Omnamasivaya
Gorli Chaitanya
Tejeswani Bastray
Sony Hiremath
G. Santhoshi Gondesi
Analyzing the role of big data and its effects on the retail industry.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
Hongzhi Kuai
Xiaohui Tao
20 years of Web Intelligence: Call for a new era of AI in the Connected World.
Web Intell.
22 (1) (2024)
volume 22, number 2, 2024
Vijayalakshmi G
Y. Radhika
Internet of Things assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Pest Detection with Optimized Deep Learning Model.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
RS Rajasree
S. Brintha Rajakumari
Intelligence model for Alzheimer's disease detection with optimal trained deep hybrid model.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Samina Mulla
Nuzhat F. Shaikh
Over comparative study of text summarization techniques based on graph neural networks.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Archana Buddham Pahurkar
Ravindra Madhukarrao Deshmukh
SMoGW-based deep CNN: Plant disease detection and classification using SMoGW-deep CNN classifier.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Vishnupriya G. S
S. Brintha Rajakumari
Hybrid deep model for brain age prediction in MRI with improved chi-square based selected features.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Nithya BN
D. Evangelin Geetha
Manish Kumar
Optimal hybrid classification model for event recommendation system.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Adline Freeda R
P. Selvi Rajendran
Test suite optimization under multi-objective constraints for software fault detection and localization: Hybrid optimization based model.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
Swati Jaiswal
B. Chandra Mohan
Deep learning-based path tracking control using lane detection and traffic sign detection for autonomous driving.
Web Intell.
22 (2) (2024)
volume 21, number 1, 2023
Bulut Karadag
Akhan Akbulut
Abdul Halim Zaim
Cyberbullying detection through deep learning: A case study of Turkish celebrities on Twitter.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
Qi Wang
An accurate fault location method for wireless sensor network based on random matrix theory.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
Anas Malas
Salah El Falou
Mohamad El Falou
Mohammad Hussein
Decentralized multi-agent approach based on A* algorithm for on-demand transport problem.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
S. Sathiya Devi
R. Indhumathi
Enhancing privacy for automatically detected quasi identifier using data anonymization.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
P. Neelakantan
N. Sudhakar Yadav
Dual stage ensemble technique for intrusion detection in cloud computing.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
Vikul J. Pawar
P. Premchand
Modified convolutional neural network for lung cancer detection: Improved cat swarm-based optimal training.
Web Intell.
21 (1) (2023)
volume 21, number 2, 2023
Arnab Paul
Sourish Dhar
Sudipta Roy
Applying interrater reliability measure for user credibility assessment in reputation-oriented service discovery.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Jianan Xu
Jiajin Huang
Jian Yang
Ning Zhong
M2GCF: A multi-mixing strategy for graph neural network based collaborative filtering.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Hui Li
Guangqian Lu
The multi-dimensional power big data mining based on improved grey clustering algorithm.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Jie Yuan
Binyuan Yan
A detection method of wormhole attack in power communication sensor networks based on hops.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Haoran Wang
Research on data fusion of power wireless sensor networks based on Kalman filter.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Zhixia Duan
Shuai Tang
A fast classification method of mass data in Internet of things based on fuzzy clustering maximum tree algorithm.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
Yinlei Tian
Haiyan Wang
Communication information exchange and transmission method of industrial Internet of things based on audio information hiding.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
B. Venkateswarlu
V. Viswanath Shenoi
Praveen Tumuluru
Aquila optimized feedback artificial tree for detection of fake news and impact identification.
Web Intell.
21 (2) (2023)
volume 21, number 3, 2023
Pratibha Pramod Chavan
B. Sheela Rani
M. Murugan
Pramod Chavan
Image compression based on vector quantization and optimized code-book design using Genetic Mating Influenced Slime Mould (GMISM) algorithm.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Fang Zheng
Siyuan Huang
Xiong Zhou
Shujun Ta
Xujuan Zhou
Ka Ching Chan
Raj Gururajan
Research on agricultural product quality traceability system based on blockchain technology.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Guokai Zheng
Luxia Yi
An early warning method of abnormal state of laboratory equipment based on Internet of things and running big data.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Sonia Kherchaoui
Amrane Houacine
Identification of micro expressions in a video sequence by Euclidean distance of the facial contours.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Ankit Panch
Om Prakash Sharma
A Unique Approach for Performance Analysis of a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency based Carbon Footprint Reduction System.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Jufen Hu
Giulio Lorenzini
Design of compound data acquisition gateway based on 5G network.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Shelly Shiju George
R. Suji Pramila
An efficient load balancing technique using CAViaR-HHO enabled VM migration and replica management in cloud computing.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
Dipali K. Shende
Yogesh S. Angal
Performance evaluation and comparative analysis of CrowWhale-energy and trust aware multicast routing algorithm.
Web Intell.
21 (3) (2023)
volume 21, number 4, 2023
Samuyelu Bommu
Ramanathan Rajalakshmi
Yugendra D. Chincholkar
Utkarsha L. Mohite
Multi-objective hybrid optimization for micro strip patch antenna design.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
Rupali A. Mahajan
Smita M. Chavan
Deepika Amol Ajalkar
Sarita V. Balshetwar
Prajakta Ajay Khadkikar
A secure authentication protocol for healthcare service in IoT with Q-net based secret key generation.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
A. Madhavi
A. Nagesh
A. Govardhan
FLICM clustering with matrix factorization based course recommendation in an E-learning platform.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
Manjula A. Biradar
Sujata Mallapure
Reliable routing in MANET with mobility prediction via long short-term memory.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
Bikramaditya Panda
Manoj Kumar Mishra
Bhabani Shankar Prasad Mishra
Abhinandan Kumar Tiwari
An extensive review on crop/weed classification models.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
G. Narendrababu Reddy
S. Phani Kumar
Multi-objective secure aware workflow scheduling algorithm in cloud computing based on hybrid optimization algorithm.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
Uttam Waghmode
Uttam D. Kolekar
Firefly-Aquila optimized Deep Q network for handoff management in context aware video streaming-based heterogeneous wireless networks.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
Hongzhi Kuai
Xiaohui Tao
Ning Zhong
Thinking space generation using context-enhanced knowledge fusion for systematic brain computing.
Web Intell.
21 (4) (2023)
volume 20, number 4, 2022
Zhao-Long Wang
Scheduling control method of Internet of things data uplink based on TS algorithm.
Web Intell.
20 (4) (2022)
Yang Wang
Clustering method of unbalanced large data density based on dynamic grid.
Web Intell.
20 (4) (2022)
Hua Wang
Privacy information protection algorithm of ultra dense network nodes based on edge computing.
Web Intell.
20 (4) (2022)
Zhanlei Shang
Chenxu Zhao
The mobile edge computing task offloading in wireless networks based on improved genetic algorithm.
Web Intell.
20 (4) (2022)