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J. Appl. Log.
volume 25, number Supplement, 2017
Michael Gabbay
Bilateralism does not provide a proof theoretic treatment of classical logic (for technical reasons).
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen
Francesco Bellucci
Reprint of: Assertion and denial: A contribution from logical notations.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Massimiliano Carrara
Daniele Chiffi
Ciro De Florio
Logical Investigations on Assertion and Denial.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Heinrich Wansing
Reprint of: A more general general proof theory.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Massimiliano Carrara
Daniele Chiffi
Ciro De Florio
On assertion and denial in the logic for pragmatics.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Bjørn Jespersen
Massimiliano Carrara
Marie Duzí
Iterated privation and positive predication.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
Luca Tranchini
Natural deduction for bi-intuitionistic logic.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (Supplement) (2017)
volume 25, 2017
Sérgio Mota
The never-ending recursion.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (2017)
Xin Sun
Livio Robaldo
On the complexity of input/output logic.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (2017)
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen
Francesco Bellucci
Assertion and denial: A contribution from logical notations.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (2017)
Khaza Anuarul Hoque
Otmane Aït Mohamed
Yvon Savaria
Formal analysis of SEU mitigation for early dependability and performability analysis of FPGA-based space applications.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (2017)
Heinrich Wansing
A more general general proof theory.
J. Appl. Log.
25 (2017)
volume 24, 2017
Pavel Brandstetter
Martin Kuchar
Sensorless control of variable speed induction motor drive using RBF neural network.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Luis Martí
Nayat Sánchez Pi
José M. Molina López
Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia
On the combination of support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for anomaly detection: A petroleum industry comparative study.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
José Ramón Villar
Manuel Menéndez
Enrique A. de la Cal
Javier Sedano
Víctor M. González
Identification of abnormal movements with 3D accelerometer sensors for seizure recognition.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Pablo García Bringas
Asier Perallos-Ruiz
Antonio D. Masegosa Arredondo
Álvaro Herrero
Héctor Quintián
Emilio Corchado
Special issue SOCO14-JAL.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Álvaro Herrero
Bruno Baruque
Javier Sedano
Héctor Quintián
Emilio Corchado
Special issue SOCO 2015.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Katarzyna Grzybowska
Gábor Kovács
The modelling and design process of coordination mechanisms in the supply chain.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Rubén Lostado-Lorza
Rubén Escribano-García
Roberto Fernández-Martínez
Marcos Illera-Cueva
Bryan J. Mac Donald
Using the finite element method and data mining techniques as an alternative method to determine the maximum load capacity in tapered roller bearings.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Ángel Arroyo
Álvaro Herrero
Verónica Tricio
Emilio Corchado
Analysis of meteorological conditions in Spain by means of clustering techniques.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
David Álvarez
Ramón Ángel Fernández
Lidia Sánchez
Fuzzy system for intelligent word recognition using a regular grammar.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Alaa Tharwat
Tarek Gaber
Aboul Ella Hassanien
One-dimensional vs. two-dimensional based features: Plant identification approach.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Soledad Valero
Elena del Val Noguera
José Alemany
Vicent J. Botti
Enhancing smart-home environments using Magentix2.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Pedro Luis Galdámez
William Raveane
Angélica González Arrieta
A brief review of the ear recognition process using deep neural networks.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Dragan Simic
Ilija Kovacevic
Vasa Svircevic
Svetlana Simic
50 years of fuzzy set theory and models for supplier assessment and selection: A literature review.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Raúl Roldán
Rosa Basagoiti
Leandro C. Coelho
A survey on the inventory-routing problem with stochastic lead times and demands.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Mar Lopez
Javier Carbó
José M. Molina López
Juanita P. Pedraza
Electronic institutions and neural computing providing law-compliance privacy for trusting agents.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Denis A. Nasonov
Alexander A. Visheratin
Nikolay Butakov
Natalya Shindyapina
Mikhail Melnik
Alexander Boukhanovsky
Hybrid evolutionary workflow scheduling algorithm for dynamic heterogeneous distributed computational environment.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Amira Sayed A. Aziz
Sanaa El-Ola Hanafi
Aboul Ella Hassanien
Comparison of classification techniques applied for network intrusion detection and classification.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Pablo García Auñón
Matilde Santos Peñas
Jesús Manuel de la Cruz
Parameter selection based on fuzzy logic to improve UAV path-following algorithms.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Victor V. Kashirin
Anastasia A. Lantseva
Sergey V. Ivanov
Sergey V. Kovalchuk
Alexander V. Boukhanovsky
Evolutionary simulation of complex networks' structures with specific functional properties.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
Cristina Puente
Alejandro Sobrino
José Angel Olivas
E. Garrido
Summarizing information by means of causal sentences through causal graphs.
J. Appl. Log.
24 (2017)
volume 23, 2017
Carlos Ansótegui
Maria Luisa Bonet
Jesús Giráldez-Cru
Jordi Levy
Structure features for SAT instances classification.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Jordi Montserrat-Adell
Núria Agell
Mónica Sánchez
Francesc Prats
Francisco Javier Ruiz
Modeling group assessments by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Vicenç Torra
Fuzzy microaggregation for the transparency principle.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Eva Armengol
Dionís Boixader
Francisco Grimaldo
Logical methods in artificial intelligence applications.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Vicent Costa
Pilar Dellunde
On the existence of free models in fuzzy universal Horn classes.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Eva Armengol
Josep Puyol-Gruart
A reward-based approach for preference modeling: A case study.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
Dionís Boixader
Jordi Recasens
Characterization of unidimensional averaged similarities.
J. Appl. Log.
23 (2017)
volume 22, 2017
Xiaoyuan Zhu
Changhe Yuan
Hierarchical beam search for solving most relevant explanation in Bayesian networks.
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Jean-Christophe Magnan
Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Efficient incremental planning and learning with multi-valued decision diagrams.
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Paul Snow
An ordered credibility contrast semantics for finite probability agreement.
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Gabriele Kern-Isberner
Daniela Huvermann
What kind of independence do we need for multiple iterated belief change?
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Angelika Kimmig
Guy Van den Broeck
Luc De Raedt
Algebraic model counting.
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Liessman Sturlaugson
Logan Perreault
John W. Sheppard
Factored performance functions and decision making in continuous time Bayesian networks.
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
Souhila Kaci
Robert Mercer
Matthias Thimm
J. Appl. Log.
22 (2017)
volume 21, 2017
John Christopher McCabe-Dansted
Mark Reynolds
Rewrite rules for CTL.
J. Appl. Log.
21 (2017)
Alvin Chiang
Esther David
Yuh-Jye Lee
Guy Leshem
Yi-Ren Yeh
A study on anomaly detection ensembles.
J. Appl. Log.
21 (2017)
Nissim Francez
On harmony and permuting conversions.
J. Appl. Log.
21 (2017)
Grigory K. Olkhovikov
On expressive power of basic modal intuitionistic logic as a fragment of classical FOL.
J. Appl. Log.
21 (2017)