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BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Timo Pohl
Alessandro Berti
Mahnaz Sadat Qafari
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
A Collection of Simulated Event Logs for Fairness Assessment in Process Mining.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Sam Leewis
Improving Decision Making at Governmental Institutions Through Decision Mining for Professionals.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Ivan Compagnucci
Flavio Corradini
Fabrizio Fornari
Barbara Re
BPMN Inspector: A Tool for Extracting Features from BPMN Models.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Gal Engelberg
Moshe Hadad
Marco Pegoraro
Pnina Soffer
Ethan Hadar
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
An Uncertainty-Aware Event Log of Network Traffic.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Fabian Stiehle
Next-Generation Trusted Process Enactment using Blockchain State Channels.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Antonio Martínez-Rojas
Hajo A. Reijers
José González Enríquez
BPM Hub: An Open Collection of UI logs.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Ignacio Velásquez
Enhancing the Cost Dimension in Process Mining through its Application to the Mining Industry.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Andrei Tour
Mining Agent-Based Models of Business Processes: Extended PhD Abstract.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Claudia Diamantini
Laura Genga
Alex Mircoli
Domenico Potena
BIG GUI: A Tool for Building and Analysing Instance Graphs.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Arvid Bergmann
Adrian Rebmann
Timotheus Kampik
BPMN2Constraints: Breaking Down BPMN Diagrams into Declarative Process Query Constraints.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Mohammadreza Fani Sani
Juan J. Garza Gonzalez
Sebastiaan J. van Zelst
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Alignment Approximator: A ProM Plug-In to Approximate Conformance Statistics.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
David Jilg
Joscha Grüger
Tobias Geyer
Ralph Bergmann
DALG: The Data Aware Event Log Generator.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Víctor Gálvez
Process Perspective in Medical Education.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Jonas Blatt
Patrick Delfmann
Martin Just
Petra Schubert
The Social Process Mining Cockpit: A Collaboration Pattern Detection Tool for Enterprise Collaboration Systems.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Matthias Ehrendorfer
Yannis Bertrand
Lukas Malburg
Juergen Mangler
Joscha Grüger
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Ralph Bergmann
Estefanía Serral Asensio
Internet of Processes and Things: A Repository for IoT-Enriched Event Logs in Smart Environments.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Simone Agostinelli
Generating Executable Robotic Process Automation Scripts from Unsegmented User Interface Logs.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Iris Beerepoot
Workarounds: The Path from Detection to Improvement.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Eli Bogdanov
Process Mining with Uncertain Event Data: Approaches to Managing Uncertainty.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Francesco Chiariello
Fabrizio Maria Maggi
Fabio Patrizi
From LTL on Process Traces to Finite-state Automata.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Bein Leon
Finn Klessascheck
Sviatlana Nepeina
Christian Warmuth
Timotheus Kampik
Luise Pufahl
SimuBridge: Discovery and Management of Process Simulation Scenarios.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Igor Sáez
Sara Segura
Mónica Gago
Robotic Process Automation: Exploring the Technological and Organizational Dimensions for Successful Implementation in Organizations.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Peter A. François
Systematically Reusing Lightweight IT Artefacts; A Technological and Managerial Approach.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Ignacio Velásquez
Marcos Sepúlveda
A Tool for Visualizing Costs of Process Variants through Directed Rooted Trees.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Yago Fontenla-Seco
Sarah Winkler
Alessandro Gianola
Marco Montali
Manuel Lama Penín
Alberto José Bugarín Diz
The Droid You're Looking For: C-4PM, a Conversational Agent for Declarative Process Mining.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Tobias Fehrer
Process-pattern.app - A collection of business process redesign patterns.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
Zahra Sadeghibogar
Alessandro Berti
Marco Pegoraro
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
SLURMminer: A Tool for SLURM System Analysis with Process Mining.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
volume 3469, 2023
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Forum at BPM 2023 co-located with 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2023), Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 11th to 15th, 2023.
BPM (Demos / Resources Forum)
3469 (2023)