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CyCon U.S.
Char Sample
Connie Justice
Emily Darraj
A Model for Evaluating Fake News.
CyCon U.S.
Matthew J. Flynn
Strategic Cyber: Responding to Russian Online Information Warfare.
CyCon U.S.
Thomas Klemas
Rebecca K. Lively
Nazli Choucri
Cyber Acquisition.
CyCon U.S.
Marcelo Antonio Righi
Raul Ceretta Nunes
Combining Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Adaptive Clustering to Detect DDoS Attacks.
CyCon U.S.
David M. Perlman
Applies computational social choice theory as a framework for new cyber-threats.
CyCon U.S.
2018 International Conference on Cyber Conflict, CyCon U.S. 2018, Washington, DC, USA, November 14-15, 2018
CyCon U.S.
Annachiara Rotondo
Pierluigi Salvati
Fake news, (dis)information and principle of non-intervention.
CyCon U.S.
Jason Healey
Erik B. Korn
Defense Support to the Private Sector: New Concepts for DoD's National Cyber Defense Mission.
CyCon U.S.
Jobel Kyle P. Vecino
United By Necessity: Conditions for Institutional Cooperation against Cybercrime.
CyCon U.S.
John A. Davis
Charlie Lewis
Beyond the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts: Norms of Responsible Nation State Behavior in Cyberspace.
CyCon U.S.
Michael Warner
Borders in Cyberspace: Stratigive Information Conflict since 9/11.
CyCon U.S.
Vaughn H. Standley
Roxanne B. Everetts
The Calculus of Protecting Interstate Competition from Cyber Attack.
CyCon U.S.
Soumajyoti Sarkar
Mohammad Almukaynizi
Jana Shakarian
Paulo Shakarian
Predicting enterprise cyber incidents using social network analysis on the darkweb hacker forums.
CyCon U.S.
Michael P. Fischerkeller
Richard J. Harknett
Persistent Engagement, Agreed Competition, Cyberspace Interaction Dynamics and Escalation.
CyCon U.S.
Colin Brooks
Critical Infrastructure Protection at the Local Level.
CyCon U.S.
Nina A. Kollars
Michael B. Petersen
Feed the Bears, Starve the Trolls.
CyCon U.S.
John M. Willis
Robert F. Mills
Logan O. Mailloux
Scott R. Graham
Considerations for secure and resilient satellite architectures.
CyCon U.S.
Rock Stevens
Identifying self-inflicted vulnerabilities: The operational implications of technology within U.S. combat systems.
CyCon U.S.
Jeffrey Guion
Mark Reith
Cyber terrain mission mapping: Tools and methodologies.
CyCon U.S.
Joey Rivera
Cyber security via formal methods: A framework for implementing formal methods.
CyCon U.S.
Daniel Trimble
Jonathon Monken
Alexander F. L. Sand
A framework for cybersecurity assessments of critical port infrastructure.
CyCon U.S.
Monica M. Ruiz
Establishing volunteer US cyber defense units: A holistic approach.
CyCon U.S.
Jim Q. Chen
Take the rein of cyber deterrence.
CyCon U.S.
Rebecca K. Lively
Maj Sara Dayton Curran
Solving the fiscal challenge of real-time cyber capability development: How low-cost cyber capability development can be accelerated through the use of Operations and Maintenance funds and what congress can do to help.
CyCon U.S.
2017 International Conference on Cyber Conflict, CyCon U.S. 2017, Washington, DC, USA, November 7-8, 2017
CyCon U.S.
Antoine Lemay
Scott Knight
A timing-based covert channel for SCADA networks.
CyCon U.S.
Siim Alatalu
One year after Warsaw: The growing need for a NATO cyber command.
CyCon U.S.
Stephen W. Hart
Mark C. Klink
1st Troll Battalion: Influencing military and strategic operations through cyber-personas.
CyCon U.S.
Jason Healey
What might be predominant form of cyber conflict?
CyCon U.S.
Mohammed Almukaynizi
Eric Nunes
Krishna Dharaiya
Manoj Senguttuvan
Jana Shakarian
Paulo Shakarian
Proactive identification of exploits in the wild through vulnerability mentions online.
CyCon U.S.
Peter Z. Stockburger
The control & capabilities test: How a new legal regime is shaping attribution in cyberspace.
CyCon U.S.
Elsa B. Kania
John K. Costello
Quantum technologies, U.S.-China strategic competition, and future dynamics of cyber stability.
CyCon U.S.
H. Kantola
Margarita Levin Jaitner
Cyber defence information sharing in a federated network.
CyCon U.S.
Char Sample
Jennifer Cowley
Tim Watson
Carsten Maple
Re-thinking threat intelligence.
CyCon U.S.
Annachiara Rotondo
Countering cyber threats: answers from international law.
CyCon U.S.
Bruce D. Caulkins
Karla A. Badillo-Urquiola
Patricia Bockelman
Rebecca A. Leis
Cyber workforce development using a behavioral cybersecurity paradigm.
CyCon U.S.
Alfonso De Gregorio
Vulnerabilities and their surrounding ethical questions: a code of ethics for the private sector.
CyCon U.S.
Brian M. Mazanec
Patricia Shamai
Stigmatizing cyber war: mission impossible?
CyCon U.S.
Suzanne J. Matthews
Raymond W. Blaine
Aaron F. Brantly
Evaluating single board computer clusters for cyber operations.
CyCon U.S.
V. A. Greiman
Cyber attacks: the fog of identity.
CyCon U.S.
Panayotis A. Yannakogeorgos
Eneken Tikk
Stuxnet as cyber-enabled sanctions enforcement.
CyCon U.S.
Jose David Mireles
Jin-Hee Cho
Shouhuai Xu
Extracting attack narratives from traffic datasets.
CyCon U.S.
Michael J. Assante
Implications of cyber in anti-access and area-denial counters.
CyCon U.S.
Amaël Cattaruzza
Didier Danet
Stéphane Taillat
Arthur Laudrain
Sovereignty in cyberspace: Balkanization or democratization.
CyCon U.S.
Elsa B. Kania
Cyber deterrence in times of cyber anarchy - evaluating the divergences in U.S. and Chinese strategic thinking.
CyCon U.S.
Edwin L. Armistead
Suggestions to measure cyber power and proposed metrics for cyber warfare operations (cyberdeterrence/cyber power).
CyCon U.S.
Ernest Y. Wong
Nicholas M. Sambaluk
Disruptive innovations to help protect against future threats.
CyCon U.S.
Clara Maathuis
Wolter Pieters
Jan van den Berg
Cyber weapons: a profiling framework.
CyCon U.S.
Christopher M. Spirito
Cyber norms for civilian nuclear power plants.
CyCon U.S.
Josiah A. B. S. Dykstra
Stephen R. Orr
Acting in the unknown: the cynefin framework for managing cybersecurity risk in dynamic decision making.
CyCon U.S.