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LASER Summer School
volume 8987, 2015
Software Engineering - International Summer Schools, LASER 2013-2014, Elba, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures
LASER Summer School
8987 (2015)
Sven Amann
Stefanie Beyer
Katja Kevic
Harald C. Gall
Software Mining Studies: Goals, Approaches, Artifacts, and Replicability.
LASER Summer School
Sebastian Burckhardt
Consistency in Distributed Systems.
LASER Summer School
Carlo Ghezzi
Giovanni Paolo Gibilisco
Claudio Menghi
Marco Miglierina
A Control-Theoretic Approach to Self-adaptive Systems and an Application to Cloud-Based Software.
LASER Summer School
Bertrand Meyer
Theory of Programs.
LASER Summer School
Sebastian Proksch
Veronika Bauer
Gail C. Murphy
How to Build a Recommendation System for Software Engineering.
LASER Summer School
Michael Jackson
Behaviours as Design Components of Cyber-Physical Systems.
LASER Summer School
volume 7682, 2012
Tools for Practical Software Verification, LASER, International Summer School 2011, Elba Island, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures
LASER Summer School
7682 (2012)
volume 7007, 2012
Empirical Software Engineering and Verification - International Summer Schools, LASER 2008-2010, Elba Island, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures
LASER Summer School
7007 (2012)
Edmund M. Clarke
William Klieber
Milos Novácek
Paolo Zuliani
Model Checking and the State Explosion Problem.
LASER Summer School
Julian Tschannen
Carlo Alberto Furia
Martin Nordio
Bertrand Meyer
Automatic Verification of Advanced Object-Oriented Features: The AutoProof Approach.
LASER Summer School
Christine Paulin-Mohring
Introduction to the Coq Proof-Assistant for Practical Software Verification.
LASER Summer School
Luke Herbert
K. Rustan M. Leino
Jose Quaresma
Using Dafny, an Automatic Program Verifier.
LASER Summer School
Patrice Godefroid
Shuvendu K. Lahiri
From Program to Logic: An Introduction.
LASER Summer School
César A. Muñoz
Ramiro A. Demasi
Advanced Theorem Proving Techniques in PVS and Applications.
LASER Summer School
Yi Wei
Bertrand Meyer
Manuel Oriol
Is Branch Coverage a Good Measure of Testing Effectiveness?
LASER Summer School
Benjamin Morandi
Sebastian Nanz
Bertrand Meyer
A Formal Reference for SCOOP.
LASER Summer School
Mark Harman
Phil McMinn
Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza
Shin Yoo
Search Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Taxonomy, Tutorial.
LASER Summer School
Natalia Juristo Juzgado
Omar S. Gómez
Replication of Software Engineering Experiments.
LASER Summer School
Pietro Braione
Giovanni Denaro
Mauro Pezzè
On the Integration of Software Testing and Formal Analysis.
LASER Summer School
volume 6029, 2010
Advanced Lectures on Software Engineering, LASER Summer School 2007/2008
LASER Summer School
6029 (2010)