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Rainbow of Computer Science
Zoltán Ésik
Werner Kuich
A Unifying Kleene Theorem for Weighted Finite Automata.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Jörg Zimmermann
Armin B. Cremers
The Quest for Uncertainty.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Michael Kerber
Rainbow of Computer Science
Khaireel A. Mohamed
Thomas Ottmann
Maintaining the Personal Style and Flair of Handwriting in Presentation Recordings.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Norbert W. Sauer
On the General Coloring Problem.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Mari Huova
Juhani Karhumäki
Aleksi Saarela
Kalle Saari
Local Squares, Periodicity and Finite Automata.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Jürgen Albert
German Tischler
Ancient Typefaces and Parametric Weighted Finite Automata.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Gheorghe Paun
Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez
P and dP Automata: A Survey.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Andreas Razen
Emo Welzl
Counting Plane Graphs with Exponential Speed-Up.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Sven Havemann
Dieter W. Fellner
Towards a New Shape Description Paradigm Using the Generative Modeling Language.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Jozef Gruska
Roots and Stimuli to a New Perception of Informatics.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Dines Bjørner
Domains: Their Simulation, Monitoring and Control - A Divertimento of Ideas and Suggestions.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer
Hermann A. Maurer
Why E-Learning as It Stands Is Not Enough.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Thomas Pock
Lukas Zebedin
Horst Bischof
Rainbow of Computer Science
Michael Domaratzki
Kai Salomaa
On Language Decompositions and Primality.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Karl-Christian Posch
Reinhard Posch
Arne Tauber
Thomas Zefferer
Bernd Zwattendorfer
Secure and Privacy-Preserving eGovernment - Best Practice Austria.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Jan van Leeuwen
Jirí Wiedermann
Name Resolution by Rewriting in Dynamic Networks of Mobile Entities.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Erik Duval
Katrien Verbert
Joris Klerkx
Towards an Open Learning Infrastructure for Open Educational Resources: Abundance as a Platform for Innovation.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Hans-Joachim Böckenhauer
Juraj Hromkovic
Tobias Mömke
Improved Approximations for Hard Optimization Problems via Problem Instance Classification.
Rainbow of Computer Science
Gitta Domik
Gerhard Fischer
Transdisciplinary Collaboration and Lifelong Learning: Fostering and Supporting New Learning Opportunities.
Rainbow of Computer Science
volume 6570, 2011
Rainbow of Computer Science - Dedicated to Hermann Maurer on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Rainbow of Computer Science
6570 (2011)