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ISPR (2)
volume 1941, 2024
Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition - Third International Conference, ISPR 2023, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 11-13, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II
ISPR (2)
1941 (2024)
Wided Souid Miled
Moulay A. Akhloufi
Hana Ben Asker
A Real-Time Deep UAV Detection Framework Based on a YOLOv8 Perception Module.
ISPR (2)
Asadullah Momand
Sana Ullah Jan
Naeem Ramzan
A Hybrid Deep Learning Scheme for Intrusion Detection in the Internet of Things.
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Sneha Chauhan
Sugata Gangopadhyay
Aditi Kar Gangopadhyay
Study of Support Set Generation Techniques in LAD for Intrusion Detection.
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Wafa Difallah
Sabira Nour
Abdeldjalil Yaga
Isaac Elgoul
Proteus Based Automatic Irrigation System.
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Mohamad Suhairi Md Subhi
Willem Nicolas
Akina Renard
Gabriela Maria Garcia Romero
Meriem Ouederni
Lotfi Chaâri
How AI can Advance Model Driven Engineering Method ?
ISPR (2)
Merzoug Soltane
Mohamed Ridda Laouar
Weeds Detection Using Mask R-CNN and Yolov5.
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Abdelhalim Hafedh Dahou
Identifying Discourse Markers in French Spoken Corpora: Using Machine Learning and Rule-Based Approaches.
ISPR (2)
Hayette Zeghida
Mehdi Boulaiche
Ramdane Chikh
Detection of DoS Attacks in MQTT Environment.
ISPR (2)
Deep R. Kothadiya
Chintan M. Bhatt
Imad Rida
Simsiam Network Based Self-supervised Model for Sign Language Recognition.
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Corentin Artaud
Rafael Pina
Xiyu Shi
Varuna De-Silva
Policy Generation from Latent Embeddings for Reinforcement Learning.
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Youssef Hosni
Ahmed Elabasy
Classifying Alzheimer Disease Using Resting State Coefficient of Variance BOLD Signals.
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Basma Jalloul
Siwar Chaabene
Bassem Bouaziz
Minimal Window Duration for Identifying Cognitive Decline Using Movement-Related Versus Rest-State EEG.
ISPR (2)
Modestas Grazys
Modeling Graphene Extraction Process Using Generative Diffusion Models.
ISPR (2)
Hicham Bellafkir
Markus Vogelbacher
Daniel Schneider
Valeryia Kizik
Markus Mühling
Bernd Freisleben
Bird Species Recognition in Soundscapes with Self-supervised Pre-training.
ISPR (2)
Ahmet Tüzen
Yusuf Yaslan
Graph Autoencoder with Community Neighborhood Network.
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Arwa Kochkach
Saoussen Belhadj Kacem
Sabeur Elkosantini
Seongkwan M. Lee
Wonho Suh
On the Different Concepts and Taxonomies of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence.
ISPR (2)
Marwa Al-Harbi
Rasha Obeidat
Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub
Luay Alawneh
Question-Aware Deep Learning Model for Arabic Machine Reading Comprehension.
ISPR (2)
Sarsabene Hammi
Souha Hammami Mezghani
Lamia Hadrich Belguith
Deep Learning Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Task: A Survey Paper.
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Bamory Ahmed Toru Koné
Bassem Bouaziz
Rima Grati
Khouloud Boukadi
Boruta-AttLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Architecture for Soil Moisture Prediction.
ISPR (2)
M'hamed Bilal Abidine
Multicarrier Waveforms Classification with LDA and CNN for 5G.
ISPR (2)
Rafael Pina
Corentin Artaud
Xiaolan Liu
Varuna De Silva
Staged Reinforcement Learning for Complex Tasks Through Decomposed Environments.
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Aniketh Arvind
A Deep Neural Architecture Search Net-Based Wearable Object Classification System for the Visually Impaired.
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Basma Dokkar
Bouthaina Meddour
Khadra Bouanane
Mebarka Allaoui
Mohamed Lammine Kherfi
A Comparative Study of the Impact of Different First Order Optimizers on the Learning Process of UNet for Change Detection Task.
ISPR (2)