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ICDM (Posters)
Joshgun Sirajzade
Christoph Schommer
The LuNa Open Toolbox for the Luxembourgish Language.
ICDM (Posters)
Chirag Mahapatra
Kedar Bellare
Leveraging Multiple Online Sources for Accurate Income Verification.
ICDM (Posters)
Inna Kolyshkina
Simeon Simoff
Comprehensibility for Decision Intelligence Engineering.
ICDM (Posters)
Yun Zhao
Elmer Guzman
Morgane Audouard
Zhuowei Cheng
Paul K. Hansma
Kenneth S. Kosik
Linda R. Petzold
A Deep Learning Framework for Classification of in vitro Multi-Electrode Array Recordings.
ICDM (Posters)
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Text Classification and Sentiment Analysis in Social Media for the Marketing Domain.
ICDM (Posters)
Mirza Mujtaba Baig
Methods for Solving the Challenges Observed in the Multi-platform Setup of the Self-driving Cars.
ICDM (Posters)
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Yair Yigal
Daniel Miller
The Impact of Preprocessing on the Classification of Mental Disorders.
ICDM (Posters)
Tausifa Jan Saleem
Mohammad Ahsan Chishti
Data Mining for the Internet of Things.
ICDM (Posters)
Advances in Data Mining - Applications and Theoretical Aspects, 19th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2019, New York, USA, July 17 - July 21, 2019, Poster Proceedings
ICDM (Posters)
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Adir Prager
Adiel Cohen
Text Classification Using Combinations of Different Versions of Input Files.
ICDM (Posters)
Yingcheng Sun
Xiangru Liang
Kenneth A. Loparo
A Common Gene Expression Signature Analysis Method for Multiple Types of Cancer.
ICDM (Posters)
Sara Riazi
Boyana Norris
Large-Scale Vertex-Centric Network Embedding via Apache Spark.
ICDM (Posters)
Sidra Xu
Machine Learning-Assisted Prediction of Surgical Mortality of Lung Cancer Patients.
ICDM (Posters)
Mohammad Bataineh
David Steenhard
Harpreet Singh
Feature Impact for Prediction Explanation.
ICDM (Posters)
Do Gyun Kim
Jin Young Choi
Suggestion of Density-based Geometric One-Class Classifier using Genetic Algorithm.
ICDM (Posters)
Hanen Borchani
Wojciech Michal Pawlak
Steffen Holmslykke
Allan Peter Engsig-Karup
Data-driven American Option Pricing using Artificial Neural Networks.
ICDM (Posters)
Denys Proux
Frédéric Roulland
Does Ambient Intelligence for Mobile User Assistance dissolve in Privacy Oriented Policies?.
ICDM (Posters)
Gonzalo Hernández
Alejandra Urtubia
Roberto León
Recognition of the Experimental Design of Laboratory Scale Wine Fermentations Using ANN.
ICDM (Posters)
Chitra Phadke
Paishun Ting
Jin Cao
Hüseyin Uzunalioglu
CLUES: Detection of User Intent through Interactive Comparison.
ICDM (Posters)
Gijoo Yang
Kangwoo Lee
Dongho Kim
Use of Big Data for Disaster Management.
ICDM (Posters)
Yingcheng Sun
Kenneth A. Loparo
Knowledge-guided Text Structuring in Clinical Trials.
ICDM (Posters)
Joohee Kim
Incheol Kim
Auditory Scene Analysis Based on Wavelet Transform and Hidden Markov Models.
ICDM (Posters)
Ekrem Duman
Osman Vargeloglu
Basak Kiliç
Seyfullah Özbek
Zeynep Ünal
Begüm Semercioglu
Umut Kapucu
Halil Ibrahim Soytürk
Ayse Büyükkaya
Modeling ATM Location Optimization using Predictive Modeling.
ICDM (Posters)
Karl-Heinz Steinke
Mengshan Hu
Dong Liang
Xiaoyan Cao
Meizhen Liu
Operator Terminal Sales Strategy Based on Data Mining.
ICDM (Posters)
Hartmut Ilgner
Stefan Brink
Abraham van Zyl Brink
From Data to Decision Making in the South African Mining Industry.
ICDM (Posters)
Advances in Data Mining, 15th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2015, Hamburg, Germany, July 2015, Poster Proceedings
ICDM (Posters)
Marcin Gibert
The Influence of Data Information-carrying Capacity on Quality of Text Mining.
ICDM (Posters)
Sankara Prasad Kondareddy
Learning from Imbalanced Datasets using Supervised Clustering based under Sampling Technique for Customer Scoring.
ICDM (Posters)
Zhiyuan Xu
Shuhui Gong
Zhaojing Zhang
Bin Jia
Hao Jin
Dong Liang
Effects of the Tradeoff between the Customer Churn Rate and Retention Capability on the Predictive Performance of Algorithms.
ICDM (Posters)
Övünç Polat
The Curve Fitting Approach for Classification Problems.
ICDM (Posters)
Kai Jin
Hua Li
Qing Song
Design of Experiment in Border Security Resource Management System.
ICDM (Posters)
Arnaud De Myttenaere
Boris Golden
Bénédicte Le Grand
Fabrice Rossi
Study of a Bias in the Offline Evaluation of a Recommendation Algorithm.
ICDM (Posters)