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Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Abigail Siegel
Mia Santomauro
Tristan Dyer
Tim Nelson
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Prototyping Formal Methods Tools: A Protocol Analysis Case Study.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
John D. Ramsdell
Cryptographic Protocol Analysis and Compilation Using CPSA and Roletran.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Prajna Bhandary
Edward Zieglar
Charles Nicholas
Searching for Selfie in TLS 1.3 with the Cryptographic Protocol Shapes Analyzer.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Riccardo Focardi
Flaminia L. Luccio
Secure Key Management Policies in Strand Spaces.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Abhishek Bichhawat
Quoc Huy Do
Pedram Hosseyni
Ralf Küsters
Guido Schmitz
Tim Würtele
A Tutorial-Style Introduction to DY*.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Sreekanth Malladi
Jonathan K. Millen
Adapting Constraint Solving to Automatically Analyze UPI Protocols.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Pierpaolo Degano
Letterio Galletta
Selene Gerali
Verifying a Blockchain-Based Remote Debugging Protocol for Bug Bounty.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Kangsoo Jung
Sayan Biswas
Catuscia Palamidessi
Establishing the Price of Privacy in Federated Data Trading.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Daniel J. Dougherty
Model Finding for Exploration.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Alessandra Di Pierro
Massimiliano Incudini
Quantum Machine Learning and Fraud Detection.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Max I. Kanovich
Tajana Ban Kirigin
Vivek Nigam
Andre Scedrov
Carolyn L. Talcott
On the Complexity of Verification of Time-Sensitive Distributed Systems.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Mohammad M. Ahmadpanah
Musard Balliu
Daniel Hedin
Lars Eric Olsson
Andrei Sabelfeld
Securing Node-RED Applications.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Dale M. Johnson
Formal Methods and Mathematical Intuition.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Flemming Nielson
René Rydhof Hansen
Hanne Riis Nielson
Benign Interaction of Security Domains.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Sebastian Mödersheim
Jorge Cuéllar
Three Branches of Accountability.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Wojciech Jamroga
Peter Y. A. Ryan
Steve Schneider
Carsten Schürmann
Philip B. Stark
A Declaration of Software Independence.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Dusko Pavlovic
Probabilistic Annotations for Protocol Models - Dedicated to Joshua Guttman.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Paul Syverson
Principles of Remote Sattestation.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Véronique Cortier
Itsaka Rakotonirina
How to Explain Security Protocols to Your Children.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Sylvan Pinsky
Joshua Guttman: Pioneering Strand Spaces.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Damián Aparicio-Sánchez
Santiago Escobar
Catherine A. Meadows
José Meseguer
Julia Sapiña
Protocol Analysis with Time and Space.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Paul D. Rowe
On Orderings in Security Models.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
Alessandro Bruni
Marco Carbone
Rosario Giustolisi
Sebastian Mödersheim
Carsten Schürmann
Security Protocols as Choreographies.
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
volume 13066, 2021
Protocols, Strands, and Logic - Essays Dedicated to Joshua Guttman on the Occasion of his 66.66th Birthday
Protocols, Strands, and Logic
13066 (2021)