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Towards Trustworthy Elections
Ed Gerck
The Witness-Voting System.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Stéphanie Delaune
Steve Kremer
Mark Ryan
Verifying Privacy-Type Properties of Electronic Voting Protocols: A Taster.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Douglas W. Jones
On Optical Mark-Sense Scanning.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Hugo Jonker
Wolter Pieters
Anonymity in Voting Revisited.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Stefan Popoveniuc
Benjamin Hosp
An Introduction to PunchScan.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Aggelos Kiayias
Moti Yung
The Vector-Ballot Approach for Online Voting Procedures.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Jeroen van de Graaf
Anonymous One-Time Broadcast Using Non-interactive Dining Cryptographer Nets with Applications to Voting.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
David Lundin
Component Based Electronic Voting Systems.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Miroslaw Kutylowski
Filip Zagórski
Scratch, Click & Vote: E2E Voting over the Internet.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Martin Hirt
Voting Based on ElGamal Encryption.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Aleksander Essex
Jeremy Clark
Carlisle Adams
Aperio: High Integrity Elections for Developing Countries.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Akira Otsuka
Hideki Imai
Unconditionally Secure Electronic Voting.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Stefan Popoveniuc
Jeremy Clark
Richard Carback
Aleksander Essex
David Chaum
Securing Optical-Scan Voting.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Jun Furukawa
Kengo Mori
Kazue Sako
An Implementation of a Mix-Net Based Network Voting Scheme and Its Use in a Private Organization.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Shuki Bruck
David Jefferson
Ronald L. Rivest
A Modular Voting Architecture ("Frog Voting").
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Ari Juels
Dario Catalano
Markus Jakobsson
Coercion-Resistant Electronic Elections.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Roberto Araújo
Sébastien Foulle
Jacques Traoré
A Practical and Secure Coercion-Resistant Scheme for Internet Voting.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Pedro A. D. Rezende
Electronic Elections: A Balancing Act.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Roberto Araújo
Ricardo Felipe Custódio
Jeroen van de Graaf
A Verifiable Voting Protocol Based on Farnel.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Jonathan A. Goler
Edwin J. Selker
A Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically (SAVE).
Towards Trustworthy Elections
John Kelsey
Andrew Regenscheid
Tal Moran
David Chaum
Attacking Paper-Based E2E Voting Systems.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Rui Joaquim
Carlos Ribeiro
Paulo Ferreira
Improving Remote Voting Security with CodeVoting.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Peter Y. A. Ryan
Thea Peacock
A Threat Analysis of Prêt à Voter.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
Benoît Chevallier-Mames
Pierre-Alain Fouque
David Pointcheval
Julien Stern
Jacques Traoré
On Some Incompatible Properties of Voting Schemes.
Towards Trustworthy Elections
volume 6000, 2010
Towards Trustworthy Elections, New Directions in Electronic Voting
Towards Trustworthy Elections
6000 (2010)