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ICAI Workshops
Roxana Martinez
Gastón Lacuesta
Ezequiel Ricciardi
Analysis of open data interoperability through catalogs in Latin America.
ICAI Workshops
Fernando Yepes-Calderon
J. Gordon McComb
Development of a HIPAA-compliant synchronizer to Enable Automatic Reporting and Inter-institutional Collaboration in Healthcare Systems Worldwide.
ICAI Workshops
Martín Di Felice
Ariel Deroche
Ilan Trupkin
Parag Chatterjee
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Depression and Anxiety Diagnosis Using Unsupervised Learning Approach.
ICAI Workshops
Hüseyin Bicen
Razvan Bogdan
Sebastian I. Petruc
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis.
ICAI Workshops
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
Petr Sed'a
Rafael Sorhegui-Ortega
Lisette Garnica-Jarrin
Ecuadorian Companies' Assets, Income, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
ICAI Workshops
Daniel Sanchez
Leveraging a Model Transformation Chain for Semi-Automatic Source Code Generation on the Android Platform.
ICAI Workshops
Sebastián Castellanos
Alejandra Baena
Juan Camilo Ramírez
Predictive Modelling of Traffic Accidents in Bogota, Colombia: Uncovering Key Contributing Factors.
ICAI Workshops
Camilo Sandoval
David Tabla
Hector Florez
Analysis Model for the Identification of Factors that Influence Students Academic Performance.
ICAI Workshops
Anderson Argothy
Angela Arévalo
Laura E. Moreta
Fernando Herrera
Energy Poverty in ALADI Member Countries: a Study based on Multi-criteria Methods.
ICAI Workshops
Fernando Muraca
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Migration from Monolithic Applications to Microservices: A Systematic Literature Mapping on Approaches, Challenges, and Anti-patterns.
ICAI Workshops
Marcos Espinoza-Mina
Alejandra Colina Vargas
Natalia Montero Ramos
Management Framework of Software Development: a Systematic Review.
ICAI Workshops
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
Petr Sed'a
César Pozo-Estupiñan
Lisette Garnica-Jarrin
Regarding the Selection of a Trading Strategy in Efficient Markets.
ICAI Workshops
Luciano Straccia
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Descriptors for Technology Key Area in a Knowledge Management Maturity Model.
ICAI Workshops
Daniel Mosquera
Fabricio Echeverria
Marcelo León
Luis Torres-Barrera
Eladio Freire
SAS Classification in the creation of new companies in Ecuador.
ICAI Workshops
Diana Morales-Urrutia
E-waste and Circular Economy: An Approach to the Latin American Case.
ICAI Workshops
volume 3520, 2023
Joint Proceedings of the ICAI 2023 Workshops WAAI 2023, AIESD 2023, WITS 2023, WKMIT 2023, WSM 2023 co-located with the 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2023), Guayaquil, Ecuador, October 26-28, 2023.
ICAI Workshops
3520 (2023)
Alejandra Colina Vargas
Marcos Espinoza-Mina
Retrospective of Scientific Production on e-Democracy.
ICAI Workshops
Joe A. Parrales
María G. Cornejo
Hector Florez
Smart Contracts: An Opportunity for Company Modernization in a Post-COVID-19 World.
ICAI Workshops
Maria de Lourdes Díaz
Jorge Berrezueta
Gonzalo Albán Molestina
Andres Ortega
Public Safety Perception in Ecuador: An Approach from Social Networks over Data Analytics.
ICAI Workshops
Julio C. Esquivel
Ixent Galpin
Oscar M. Granados
Shareholder Structure of Major Technology Companies: A Graph Analytics Study during COVID-19 and Beyond.
ICAI Workshops
Elena Piedra-Bonilla
Laís Oliveira
Denis Da Cunha
Marcelo Braga
The Effects of Dry Spells on Crop Diversification in the Brazilian Northeast Region.
ICAI Workshops
Diego Linthon-Delgado
Lizethe Méndez-Heras
Gino Cornejo-Marcos
Sticky Floor and Glass Ceiling in Ecuador. The Evolution of the Gender Wage Gap, 2010-2021.
ICAI Workshops
Patricia Gerlero
The SECI Knowledge Creation Model: A Look through Sociology.
ICAI Workshops
Carlos Arturo San Andrés Fuentes
Pablo Ricardo San Andrés Reyes
Ivonne Elizabeth Paredes Chévez
César Santana Moncayo
Cost of Capital and Finance Evaluation for a Family SME Enterprise of an Ecuadorian Ecotourism Resort in San Carlos Parish, Los Ríos Province.
ICAI Workshops
Jeyson Stith Arévalo Sandoval
Implementation of a Domain Metamodel for the Generation of UML Documentation through Model Transformation Chains.
ICAI Workshops
Lady Viviana Garay González
Construction of a Domain Metamodel using EMF for Semiautomatic Generation of Web Applications.
ICAI Workshops
Alejandra Colina Vargas
Marcos Espinoza-Mina
Diana López Alvarez
Johanna Navarro Espinosa
Bibliometric Software: The Most Commonly Used in Research.
ICAI Workshops
Mercy Agila
Larry Yumibanda
Diana Merchán
Bio-Business of Polymer Derived from Cassava Waste for the Industrial Plastic Sector.
ICAI Workshops
John Anderson Rodriguez Ramirez
Olmer Garcia-Bedoya
Ixent Galpin
Maximizing Student Retention using Supervised Models Informed by Student Counseling Data.
ICAI Workshops
Martín Di Felice
Parag Chatterjee
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Depression Diagnosis using Text-based AI Methods - A Systematic Review.
ICAI Workshops
Giridhar Jadala
Gowri Namratha Meedinti
Radhakrishnan Delhibabu
Satellite Orbit Prediction Using a Machine Learning Approach.
ICAI Workshops
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
Lisette Garnica-Jarrin
Yadira Armas-Ortega
César Pozo-Estupiñan
Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility, Assets and Income of Companies in Ecuador.
ICAI Workshops
Carlos Alberto Díaz Riveros
Alejandra Baena
Juan Camilo Ramírez
Mobility Studies in Villavicencio: Situation and Prospects Towards a Smart Mobility.
ICAI Workshops
Luciano Straccia
Adriana Maulini
María Gracia Bongiorno
Matías Giorda
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Knowledge Representation and Technologies in the Latin American Academic Literature.
ICAI Workshops
Angel Fiallos
How to use Instagram to Travel the World? An Approach to Discovering Relevant Insights from Tourist Media Content.
ICAI Workshops
David Zaldumbide
Alejandro Pacheco
Dynamic Models to Determine External Factors and their Impact on the Shrimp Price Forecast.
ICAI Workshops
Franklin Gallegos-Erazo
Technical Indicator for a Better Intraday Understanding of Uptrends or Downtrends in the Financial Markets using Volume Transactions as a Trigger.
ICAI Workshops
Nelson Guillermo Granja Cañizares
Pablo Ricardo San Andrés Reyes
Ivonne Elizabeth Paredes Chévez
Valuation of the Impact of the Covid-19 Global Pandemic on the Sector of Professional, Technical, and Administrative Activities in Ecuador for the Year 2020.
ICAI Workshops
Ignacio Manes
Tomas Lubertino
Jorge Anca
Karen Roberts
Hernán Merlino
Analysis on Early Dropouts in Engineering Careers.
ICAI Workshops
Camilo Sarmiento
Leidy Alexandra Lozano
Guillermo Gaona
Marcelo Leon
Web Service for Document Management of University Degree Projects.
ICAI Workshops
volume 3282, 2022
Joint Proceedings of the ICAI 2022 Workshops WAAI 2022, AIESD 2022, WDEA 2022, WITS 2022, WKMIT 2022, WSM 2022 co-located with the 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2022), Arequipa, Peru, October 27-29, 2022.
ICAI Workshops
3282 (2022)
Álvaro Gutiérrez-Rodríguez
José David López-García
Ricardo Alfonso Sanabria
Sandra Acevedo-Zapata
Industry 4.0 and digital transformation in higher education through the perspective of smart cites.
ICAI Workshops
Oscar Daniel Diaz Castillo
Andrés Esteban Puerto-Lara
Javier Alejandro Sáenz-Leguizamón
Vladimir Ducón-Sosa
Prediction of electrical energy consumption through recurrent neural networks.
ICAI Workshops
Carlos Eduardo Jijena Michel
Marcelo León
Claudia Rivas
Carlos Redroban
Environmental economic estimation: case study in the city of Tarija - Bolivia.
ICAI Workshops
Dhvanil Sanghvi
Priya Deshpande
Suhas Shanbhogue
Vishwa Shah
Analyzing and predicting NCAA volleyball match outcome using machine learning techniques.
ICAI Workshops
Micaela Báez
Luis P. Stinco
Silvia P. Barredo
Hernan D. Merlino
Data science applied to oil wells' behavior prediction in the Estructura Cruz de Piedra - Lunlunta oil field, Cuyana Basin, Argentina.
ICAI Workshops
Micaela Calderon
Marcelo León
Sergio Núñez
Empirical approach to arable land and livestock using cointegration and causality techniques with panel data.
ICAI Workshops
Agustín F. Sabelli
Parag Chatterjee
María Florencia Pollo Cattaneo
Predictive modeling toward identification of sex from lip prints - machine learning in cheiloscopy.
ICAI Workshops
Patricia Gerlero
Successes and failures in software development project management: a systematic literature review.
ICAI Workshops
volume 2992, 2021
Joint Proceedings of the ICAI 2021 Workshops WAAI 2021, AIESD 2021, WDEA 2021, WKMIT 2021, WSSC 2021 co-located with the Fourth International Conference on Applied Informatics (ICAI 2021), Online / Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 28-30, 2021.
ICAI Workshops
2992 (2021)