The Implications of Large Language Models for CS Teachers and Students.
Stephen MacNeilJoanne KimJuho LeinonenPaul DennySeth BernsteinBrett A. BeckerMichel WermelingerArto HellasAndrew TranSami SarsaJames PratherViraj KumarPublished in: SIGCSE (2) (2023)
- language model
- introductory programming
- student learning
- learning environment
- high school students
- introductory programming courses
- language modeling
- high school
- helping students
- n gram
- document retrieval
- programming assignments
- student motivation
- students learning
- programming course
- teaching methods
- young students
- speech recognition
- information retrieval
- teaching materials
- probabilistic model
- e learning
- middle school
- middle school students
- secondary school
- retrieval model
- learning process
- novice programmers
- query expansion
- elementary school
- blended learning
- statistical language models
- context sensitive
- test collection
- language modelling
- educational settings
- science education
- learning styles
- school district
- learning experience
- teaching assistants
- teacher education
- smoothing methods
- special education
- computer science
- translation model
- school teachers
- learning activities
- vector space model
- language models for information retrieval
- problem based learning
- language model for information retrieval
- okapi bm
- automatic assessment
- learning sciences
- document ranking
- relevance model
- statistical language modeling
- pseudo relevance feedback
- professional development
- higher education