Digital natives, better learners? Students' beliefs about how the Internet influenced their ability to learn.
Yifat Ben-David KolikantPublished in: Comput. Hum. Behav. (2010)
- learning environment
- learning experience
- learning activities
- learning outcomes
- e learning
- learning styles
- undergraduate students
- learning process
- collaborative learning
- students learning
- learning situations
- educational environment
- web based learning environment
- university students
- digital media
- educational software
- young students
- collaborative writing
- learning processes
- educational systems
- concept maps
- learning gains
- learning community
- concept mapping
- secondary school
- elementary school students
- formal education
- classroom teaching
- subject matter
- virtual learning environments
- teaching materials
- learning opportunities
- learning scenarios
- lifelong learning
- game based learning
- high school students
- learning content
- intelligent tutoring systems
- helping students
- student learning
- online learning communities
- meta cognitive
- external representations
- distance education
- critical thinking
- programming skills
- online course
- medical students
- high school
- writing skills
- learning resources
- distance learning
- educational experiences
- mobile learning
- learning materials
- open ended questions
- college students
- epistemological beliefs
- online learning
- higher education
- learning goals
- tablet pc
- tutoring system
- mobile devices
- active participation
- peer assessment
- mental models
- learning tools
- middle school
- computer programming
- problem based learning
- instructional strategies
- knowledge construction
- learning strategies
- learner model
- learning objects
- digital resources