The Synergizer service for translating gene, protein and other biological identifiers.
Gabriel F. BerrizFrederick P. RothPublished in: Bioinform. (2008)
- regulatory networks
- biological entities
- drosophila melanogaster
- interaction networks
- protein protein interaction networks
- gene expression
- saccharomyces cerevisiae
- protein interaction
- homo sapiens
- biological knowledge
- gene ontology terms
- biologically meaningful
- gene expression data
- protein protein interactions
- cellular processes
- protein structure prediction
- biological processes
- gene regulatory networks
- microarray
- biological data
- protein interaction data
- sequence alignment
- protein protein
- biomedical literature
- gene products
- drug discovery
- systems biology
- biological systems
- protein complexes
- high throughput
- microarray data
- transcription factor binding sites
- gene expression patterns
- gene expression analysis
- dna microarray
- signaling pathways
- physicochemical properties
- microarray expression data
- protein sequences
- protein function
- computational biology
- cell lines
- gene ontology
- web services
- molecular biology
- amino acids
- protein structure
- biological networks
- drug design
- genome annotation
- genome scale
- experimental conditions
- gene sets
- computational approaches
- dna sequences
- gene prediction
- genomic sequences
- gene expression levels
- virtual screening
- gene selection
- gene regulation
- gene function