What Makes a "Computer Science Person"? Minoritized Students' Sense of Identity in AP CSP Classrooms.
Jean J. RyooKendrake TsuiPublished in: RESPECT (2020)
- computer science
- computer science students
- learning environment
- computer scientists
- electrical engineering
- learning sciences
- middle school
- computer engineering
- computer science education
- graduate students
- computing education
- computer programming
- computer science curriculum
- student learning
- higher education
- constraint satisfaction problems
- learning activities
- classroom learning
- student groups
- learning opportunities
- automata theory
- students studying
- data mining
- learning experience
- e learning
- computer lab
- collaborative learning
- high school students
- library and information science
- lecture notes
- college level
- learning outcomes
- mathematics education
- science curriculum
- undergraduate students
- introductory computer science
- programming course
- distance learning
- artificial intelligence
- science classroom
- introductory programming courses
- learning process
- upper level
- classroom environment
- social sciences
- teaching practices
- intelligent tutoring systems
- computer technology
- researchers and practitioners
- school district
- instructional systems
- postgraduate students
- instructional strategies
- elementary school
- science education
- college students
- problem based learning
- high school
- learning styles
- machine learning