Action Capsules: Human Skeleton Action Recognition.
Ali Farajzadeh BavilHamed DamirchiHamid D. TaghiradPublished in: CoRR (2023)
- action recognition
- human actions
- action classification
- recognizing human actions
- spatio temporal interest points
- recognizing actions
- motion history images
- human activities
- human movements
- static images
- view invariant
- action primitives
- recognition of human actions
- human object interactions
- activity recognition
- action detection
- bag of words
- human detection
- motion recognition
- motion capture data
- spatial temporal
- human pose
- space time interest points
- computer vision
- depth sensors
- human motion
- spatio temporal
- depth cameras
- motion features
- space time
- action recognition in videos
- independent subspace analysis
- machine learning
- human activity recognition
- mid level
- body parts
- visual words
- multiscale