Predicting the performance and reliability of future field programmable gate arrays routing architectures with carbon nanotube bundle interconnect.
Soumya EachempatiNarayanan VijaykrishnanArthur NieuwoudtYehia MassoudPublished in: IET Circuits Devices Syst. (2009)
- field programmable gate array
- interconnection networks
- parallel architectures
- hardware implementation
- digital signal processors
- parallel computing
- embedded systems
- high speed
- hardware design
- high end
- programmable logic
- computing systems
- image processing algorithms
- parallel computers
- low cost
- fpga technology
- reconfigurable hardware
- hardware architecture
- host computer
- hardware software
- digital signal processing
- massively parallel
- routing algorithm
- parallel processing
- case study
- pattern recognition
- parallel programming
- routing protocol
- message passing