AI-enabled emotion-aware robot: The fusion of smart clothing, edge clouds and robotics.
Jun YangRui WangXin GuanMohammad Mehedi HassanAhmad AlmogrenAhmed AlsanadPublished in: Future Gener. Comput. Syst. (2020)
- artificial intelligence
- human robot interaction
- robotic systems
- robot programming
- vision guided
- mobile robotics
- mobile robot
- service robots
- semi autonomous
- skill learning
- robot control
- manipulation tasks
- mobile robot navigation
- real robot
- robot behavior
- autonomous navigation
- ai researchers
- emotional state
- machine intelligence
- urban search and rescue
- general intelligence
- unstructured environments
- robotic tasks
- human body
- information fusion
- autonomous robots
- robot navigation
- edge information
- multimodal fusion
- intelligent robots
- multi sensor
- multi robot
- edge detection
- data fusion
- evolutionary robotics
- lego mindstorms
- ai systems
- case based reasoning
- expert systems
- motor control
- facial expressions
- humanoid robot
- motor skills
- cloud computing
- fusion method
- path planning
- robot manipulators
- cognitive robotics
- motion planning
- real world environments
- multiscale
- knowledge representation
- emotion recognition
- vision system
- intelligent systems
- imitation learning
- home environment
- search and rescue
- cognitive science
- weighted graph
- image fusion
- virtual humans
- affect sensing
- machine learning