Subgraph of unitary Cayley graph of matrix algebras induced by idempotent matrices.
Jitsupat RattanakangwanwongYotsanan MeemarkPublished in: Discret. Math. (2024)
- low rank and sparse
- eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- graph properties
- matrix representation
- perturbation theory
- singular value decomposition
- graph mining
- adjacency matrix
- graph databases
- positive definite
- graph data
- coefficient matrix
- singular values
- low rank
- graph classification
- distance matrix
- frequent subgraph mining
- graph theory
- projection matrices
- labeled graphs
- square matrices
- subgraph isomorphism
- subgraph mining
- maximum weight
- symmetric positive definite
- systems of linear equations
- matrix multiplication
- linear algebra
- rows and columns
- sparse matrix
- random walk
- subgraph matching
- symmetric matrices
- graph model
- covariance matrix
- maximal cliques
- graph structure
- directed graph
- positive semidefinite
- directed acyclic graph
- graph representation
- weighted graph
- block diagonal
- query graph
- data matrix
- low rank matrix
- frequent subgraphs
- linear complementarity problem
- low rank approximation
- numerical stability
- graph matching
- dense subgraphs
- totally unimodular
- np hard
- stable set
- correlation matrix
- projection matrix
- maximum matching
- kernel matrix
- similarity graph
- graph theoretic
- connected subgraphs
- connected components
- matrix completion