- Kinkar Chandra Das
- Frédéric Pascal
- Nikolaus Hansen
- Bojan Mohar
- Olivier Besson
- Magdy T. Hanna
- Antonio De Maio
- Daichi Kitamura
- Yaoping Hou
- Jianfeng Wang
- Marco Chiani
- Hiroshi Saruwatari
- Norihiro Takamune
- Carla Silva Oliveira
- Froilán M. Dopico
- Fulvio Gini
- Sven-Erik Ekström
- David J. Evans
- David P. Woodruff
- Stefano Serra Capizzano
- Stephan Weiss
- Xueyi Huang
- Fan R. K. Chung
- Roger C. E. Tan
- Sebastian M. Cioaba
- Qiongxiang Huang
- Francesco Belardo
- Leslie Ann Goldberg
- Zhongfu Ye
- David Richerby
- Jack H. Koolen
- Shuchao Li
- Augusto Aubry
- Yuri I. Abramovich
- Clemens Huemer
- Yuki Kubo
- Jiu Ding
- Maria Greco
- Charles R. Johnson
- CoRR
- Discret. Math.
- SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.
- IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
- Appl. Math. Comput.
- J. Multivar. Anal.
- Discret. Appl. Math.
- Signal Process.
- Appl. Math. Lett.
- J. Comput. Appl. Math.
- Discret. Math. Algorithms Appl.
- J. Graph Theory
- J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B
- SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
- IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
- IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
- Electron. J. Comb.
- Numer. Algorithms
- Comput. Stat. Data Anal.
- Ars Comb.
- Digit. Signal Process.
- Symmetry
- Eur. J. Comb.
- Graphs Comb.
- Electron. Notes Discret. Math.
- Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.
- Int. J. Comput. Math.
- IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
- J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
- Sensors
- IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci.
- Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int.
- IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
- SIAM J. Math. Anal.
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