Research of Pneumatic Actuator Fault Diagnosis Method Based on GA Optimized BP Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic.
Zhigang FengXuejuan ZhangHe YangPublished in: ISNN (2) (2013)
- bp neural network
- fuzzy logic
- control system
- back propagation
- fault diagnosis
- bp neural network model
- neural network
- genetic algorithm
- genetic algorithm ga
- generalization ability
- artificial neural networks
- ant colony algorithm
- bp network
- genetic algorithm is employed
- rbf neural network
- closed loop
- bp neural network algorithm
- fuzzy sets
- evaluation model
- bp algorithm
- fitness function
- training algorithm
- connection weights
- particle swarm optimization
- computational intelligence
- fuzzy rules
- chaotic particle swarm optimization
- control algorithm
- prediction model
- intelligent control
- forecasting model
- expert systems
- decision making
- puts forward
- pid control
- fuzzy control
- membership functions
- control strategy
- neural network model
- load forecasting
- control method
- improved bp neural network
- hidden layer
- multilayer perceptron
- particle swarm optimization pso
- differential evolution
- optimization algorithm
- multi objective
- long term
- artificial intelligence
- data mining
- pid controller
- fuzzy logic controller
- degrees of freedom
- pso algorithm
- machine learning
- real time