A graph autoencoder network to measure the geometric similarity of drainage networks in scaling transformation.
Huafei YuTinghua AiMin YangWeiming HuangLars HarriePublished in: Int. J. Digit. Earth (2023)
- network structure
- complex networks
- similarity measure
- betweenness centrality
- dynamic networks
- highly connected
- network size
- sparsely connected
- small world
- distance measure
- fully connected
- centrality measures
- average degree
- overlapping communities
- network topologies
- network design
- link formation
- real world networks
- network model
- similarity scores
- citation networks
- community structure
- network parameters
- computer networks
- network resources
- scale free
- telecommunication networks
- heterogeneous networks
- dissimilarity measure
- clustering coefficient
- social network analysis
- community discovery
- social networks
- edge weights
- directed edges
- topological information
- network analysis
- random walk
- heterogeneous social networks
- path length
- degree distribution
- protein interaction networks
- network nodes
- real world social networks
- random graphs
- cellular networks
- directed graph
- community detection
- spanning tree
- graph mining algorithms
- wireless sensor networks
- network traffic
- link prediction
- bipartite graph
- graph mining
- optical networks
- functional modules
- biological networks
- connectionist networks
- information diffusion
- network properties
- network evolution
- similarity function
- graphical representation
- neural network
- graph structures