- Jane J. Ye
- Gabriel Haeser
- Vicente Novo
- Rafaela Osuna Gómez
- Bienvenido Jiménez
- Yurilev Chalco-Cano
- Alberto Ramos
- Fabián Flores Bazán
- Alexey F. Izmailov
- Nazih Abderrazzak Gadhi
- Phan Quoc Khanh
- Stephan Dempe
- Boris S. Mordukhovich
- Zdenek Dostál
- Aram V. Arutyunov
- Nguyen Minh Tung
- Roberto Andreani
- Nguyen Van Tuyen
- Mikhail V. Solodov
- Beatriz Hernández-Jiménez
- César Gutiérrez
- Jen-Chih Yao
- Jianke Zhang
- Suvrit Sra
- Hélène Frankowska
- Hsien-Chung Wu
- Valeriano Antunes de Oliveira
- Arnd Rösch
- Olga Brezhneva
- Alexey Tret'yakov
- Ali Jadbabaie
- Nguyen Thi Toan
- Jingzhao Zhang
- Alain B. Zemkoho
- Andrzej Nowakowski
- Shengjie Li
- Paulo J. S. Silva
- S. J. Li
- Hubertus Th. Jongen
- J. Optim. Theory Appl.
- SIAM J. Optim.
- Math. Program.
- J. Glob. Optim.
- SIAM J. Control. Optim.
- CoRR
- Optim. Lett.
- Math. Oper. Res.
- Eur. J. Oper. Res.
- RAIRO Oper. Res.
- Comput. Optim. Appl.
- Math. Methods Oper. Res.
- Appl. Math. Comput.
- Ann. Oper. Res.
- Kybernetika
- Optim. Methods Softw.
- Autom.
- Fuzzy Optim. Decis. Mak.
- Inf. Sci.
- Comput. Appl. Math.
- Oper. Res. Lett.
- Fuzzy Sets Syst.
- J. Optimization Theory and Applications
- Complex.
- Oper. Res.
- IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
- J. Appl. Math.
- Math. Control. Signals Syst.
- J. Comput. Appl. Math.
- Autom. Control. Comput. Sci.
- IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
- Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res.
- Axioms
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