- Kainam Thomas Wong
- Zhengrong Liu
- Jingsong He
- Vladimir I. Piterbarg
- Zhengde Dai
- Huawen Liu
- Joan Torrens
- Vangelis Angelakis
- Yong Zhang
- Robert Klar
- Andriy Yakovych Olenko
- Dmitry E. Pelinovsky
- Anna Fredriksson
- Seok-Bae Yun
- Yong Su
- Rajwinder Singh
- Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi
- L. A. Wazzan
- Diego Marques
- Leigh A. Johnston
- Yakub N. Aliyev
- Dmitry Pelinovsky
- Björn Sandstede
- Hanlin Chen
- Junchao Chen
- Mariano Torrisi
- Yinping Liu
- G. Legendre
- Jiguang Rao
- Volker Ziegler
- Seyed Mehdi Mohtavipour
- Argus A. Dunca
- Jeremy Upsal
- Masaya Oozawa
- Maciej Zworski
- Vinícius Facó
- Christian Schubert
- John W. Pearson
- Abraz Ahmed Khan
- Appl. Math. Comput.
- Appl. Math. Lett.
- Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
- CoRR
- Period. Math. Hung.
- SIAM J. Math. Anal.
- J. Nonlinear Sci.
- Symmetry
- Comput. Math. Appl.
- Scholarpedia
- Am. Math. Mon.
- SIAM Rev.
- Math. Comput.
- SIAM J. Appl. Math.
- Int. J. Comput. Math.
- SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst.
- IEEE Trans. Commun.
- Math. Comput. Simul.
- J. Integer Seq.
- Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.
- Int. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag.
- Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.
- Clust. Comput.
- Int. J. Inf. Syst. Supply Chain Manag.
- Optim. Methods Softw.
- J. Appl. Math.
- DAGM-Symposium
- IEEE Access
- Numer. Algorithms
- Comput. Appl. Math.
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- ECCV (2)
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