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Yuho Jin
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
D Mesh
Parallel Architectures
Spatial Locality
Data Placement
Top Venues
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy
Jesus Gardea
Yuho Jin
Jonathan Cook
3D-PIM NoCs with Multiple Subnetworks: A Performance and Power Evaluation.
Kyung Hoon Kim
Rahul Boyapati
Jiayi Huang
Yuho Jin
Ki Hwan Yum
Eun Jung Kim
Packet coalescing exploiting data redundancy in GPGPU architectures.
Jesus Gardea
Yuho Jin
Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy
Jonathan Cook
Performance Evaluation of Mesh-based 3D NoCs.
Wen Yuan
Rahul Boyapati
Lei Wang
Hyunjun Jang
Yuho Jin
Ki Hwan Yum
Eun Jung Kim
Intra-Clustering: Accelerating On-chip Communication for Data Parallel Architectures.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Yuho Jin
Unifying Router Power Gating with Data Placement for Energy-Efficient NoC.
Yuho Jin
Timothy Mark Pinkston
PAIS: Parallelism-aware interconnect scheduling in multicores.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
13 (3s) (2014)
Bo Gao
Yuho Jin
Adaptive Packet Resizing by Spatial Locality and Data Sharing for Energy-Efficient NOC.
Yuho Jin
Eun Jung Kim
Timothy Mark Pinkston
Communication-Aware Globally-Coordinated On-Chip Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst.
23 (2) (2012)
Yuho Jin
Eun Jung Kim
Ki Hwan Yum
Design and Analysis of On-Chip Networks for Large-Scale Cache Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers
59 (3) (2010)
Ki Hwan Yum
Yuho Jin
Eun Jung Kim
Chita R. Das
Integration of admission, congestion, and peak power control in QoS-aware clusters.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput.
70 (11) (2010)
Wolfgang E. Denzel
Jian Li
Peter Walker
Yuho Jin
A Framework for End-to-End Simulation of High-performance Computing Systems.
86 (5-6) (2010)
Yuho Jin
Ruisheng Wang
Woojin Choi
Timothy Mark Pinkston
Thread criticality support in on-chip networks.
Lei Wang
Yuho Jin
Hyungjun Kim
Eun Jung Kim
Recursive partitioning multicast: A bandwidth-efficient routing for Networks-on-Chip.
Wolfgang E. Denzel
Jian Li
Peter Walker
Yuho Jin
A framework for end-to-end simulation of high-performance computing systems.
Yuho Jin
Ki Hwan Yum
Eun Jung Kim
Adaptive data compression for high-performance low-power on-chip networks.
Yuho Jin
Eun Jung Kim
Ki Hwan Yum
A Domain-Specific On-Chip Network Design for Large Scale Cache Systems.
Yuho Jin
Eun Jung Kim
Ki Hwan Yum
Peak Power Control for a QoS Capable On-Chip Network.